Chapter 36

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When I woke the next morning, it was still dark in my room. The only sound was the slight hum of the ceiling fan.

I rolled over onto my back and that's when I remembered I wasn't alone. Jerry- all bare skin and long hair- was sleeping peacefully at my side.
I turned again so that I was facing him, and studied his face in the dim morning light.

Oh, Jerry.

After a few more minutes it became apparent that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I quietly got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

When I walked past the living room, something caught my eye.
There was a figure lying on my sofa.
Panic coursed through me. But then, just as quickly as I saw it, I realized it was just Mike Starr. Sleeping.

Mike stayed over, too?

Vaguely, I recalled images of the three of us.... watching movies and playing cards? But there was also the real image of two empty wine bottles which were sitting on my kitchen table....

That probably explains the dull ache in my temple.
I took a couple of Advil's and washed it down with water.
Though I was really trying to make as little noise as possible, Mike began to stir and eventually woke up.
Holding my coffee in one hand, I watched as his dark eyes blinked several times before finally opening. He sat up slowly and scratched his head. He glanced around before finally spotting me in the kitchen.

"Good morning," I said with a grin.

His tired, grumpy expression softened when his eyes met mine.

"Oh. Hey. Good morning."
He slowly stood up from the couch.

Mike yawned, and as he did so, stretched his arms high over his head.  I tried, without much success, to not notice his tan, toned stomach and the dark trail of hair on it leading downward...

"Want some coffee?" I asked to derail my thoughts.

"Sure," he said, walking in my direction. "Oh, do you happen to have any-"

"Advil?" I guessed.

Mike laughed gently. "You too, huh?"

"Let's just say I definitely woke up with a headache."

"Well at least you didn't also wake up with a neck ache. Sorry Heather, but your couch sucks."

"Really?" I set three of the red pills and a water bottle in front of him. "I've honestly never slept on it."

"Don't," Mike said with a chuckle.

"Thanks for the warning."

I poured him his coffee then. He added some milk and sugar himself.

"Is Jerry still here?" he asked, taking a sip.

I nodded. "Mhm. And sound asleep."

"What time is it anyway?" 

"Almost seven," I sighed. "We beat the sun."

"Damn. Why are we up?"

"I'm not sure," I said, shaking my head. "Sorry for waking you, though."

"Oh you didn't wake me up. I just couldn't ignore the pain in my neck any longer."

I laughed. "Sorry about that, too."

He smiled sweetly as he lifted his mug. "A cup of coffee with the Heather James makes it all worth while."

"Cheers," I said with a smile.

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