Chapter 6

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"Jeff you have got to start locking your door!"  The voice exclaimed loudly.

My eyes blinked open to find Chris, Stone and another guy I'd never seen before in the room, staring at me, their heads tilted in confusion. I looked at Jeff who was rubbing his eyes.
"Geez, ever heard of knocking?" Jeff asked sarcastically. Stone laughed in response.
"I've never had to before,"  Stone said, his eyes cutting to me.

I glanced down quickly at myself, oh great, the silk pajamas. I looked at Chris, whose eyes were locked on me.

He raised his cigarette to his lips and inhaled, maintaining our eye contact. The guy who I didn't know spoke next, breaking the awkward silence in the room.
"Uh we can just come back tomorrow..."

Jeff stood up and shook his head.
"No no it's fine. We just fell asleep during the movie."

"Okay!" Stone said with a shrug. Stone walked into the kitchen and dropped a case of beer on the counter loudly. Chris and Jeff followed Stone, but the other guy approached me instead.
"You're Heather, right?" he asked kindly.

"Yes" I confirmed. However, I was wishing at this moment that I was someone else.

"I'm Matt, I've heard a lot about you."
That surprised me. "You have?" I laughed anxiously.

"Oh yeah, Jeff is thrilled to have such a pretty neighbor," he said with a wink. He sat next to me and continued on- "I assumed you were the one when we walked in. He wasn't lying." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and blushed.

"Well thank you. And it's nice to meet you, Matt." He smiled back. "You too."
Stone called out from the kitchen:

"Matt, Heather, you guys want one?" He held up a silver can of beer. Matt stood up and grabbed one from Stone.

I knew they were all looking at me now. "I'm good, actually I think I'm gonna head back" I said as I stood up. "You don't wanna stay and hang out?" Stone offered. I smiled but shook my head no.
"I'm tired. But I'll see you guys later." "I'll walk you down the hall," Jeff said, meeting me at his door. I waved over my shoulder at the guys as we stepped out into the hall. We walked slowly.

"I'm really sorry about that," Jeff began, his voice low and still sleepy sounding.

"No worries," I assured him, my eyes staying straight ahead.
"We'll finish the movie anytime you want," he promised.

By now we'd made it to my door. I looked up in his eyes.

"Sounds good. Goodnight, Jeff."
To my surprise, he put his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. I let my arms wind around him, too. His body was so warm, and I wished we could still be asleep on the couch.

Stone had taken care of that though, I thought bitterly.

Jeff pulled away after a few seconds and smiled. "Goodnight Heather. Sleep good."
"I will," I said back.

Once I'd gotten in my door he headed back to his place.

I brushed my teeth one more time and then went to grab a bottle of water. It was nearly 2:00 in the morning- I couldn't wait to get in bed.

I was literally pulling back the sheets when I heard two slow knocks at the door. Sighing, I walked to the door. "Forget something?" I asked as I swung it open. It was Chris.

"Oh," I whispered.

He was leaning against the door frame, ever so casually.

"Can I come in?" he asked in a slow, thick voice.

I blinked once. "Sure.." I stepped aside and he walked in. He sat at my table and waited for me to join him. I sat down across from him and folded my hands on the table.

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