Chapter 21

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About a month later on the morning of Friday, March 16th, I found myself packing for another weekend trip.

This time however, it was for business.

Well, sort of.

Jen had asked me to tag along again for another record trade.
This time in Portland.
There was a fairly big sale event happening there and a lot of good records would be up for grabs.
Jen wouldn't dare miss it.
She said it would be about a three hour drive, and since I'd never been to Portland before, or to Oregon at all for that matter, she insisted we make a weekend out of it.

"That is, if you can pry yourself away from your yummy bass player for that long," she'd said.

Only Jen could get away with that kind of comment.

But that yummy bass player would be very busy this weekend anyway.
MLB was now just a week away from the release of their album.
It was all the boys could think about, and rightly so.

So today Jeff and I met for lunch at the Purple Cafe, one of our recent favorites.

Jeff was already sitting at our normal booth near the window when I walked in. His eyes lit up when he saw me approach.

"Well hello, ma'am. Looking for a place to sit?" he asked as I came near.

"I sure am," I replied.

He laughed his sweet laugh and gave me a quick hug.

We sat down across from each other.
"It's a little warmer today than they said it would be," I noted, shrugging off my coat.

Jeff nodded. "It is. And look, the sun's trying to come out."

Through the thinning gray clouds, I could indeed see it's bright glow peeking through. I smiled.
I missed the sun.

"So what time are you and Jennifer leaving?" Jeff asked as he opened his menu.

"Two o'clock," I answered. "She wants to be in Portland before dark."

Jeff carefully grabbed my wrist and looked at my watch.

"You only have a little less than two hours, then," he stated sadly.

"But I'm completely packed," I pointed out with a smile.
"So we've got time."
I laid my hand on his.

His face brightened at that.

The waiter took our order then, and not long after our food arrived.
When we had finished eating, Jeff asked if I'd want to take a quick walk before I had to go to Jen's house.

Of course I obliged.

Hand in hand we walked down Bell street, enjoying each other's company and what little sunshine there was.
Jeff filled me in on more album release stuff, and he finally, reluctantly, told me the name of it. Apple.
I'd raised my eyebrows at first, but the more he said it, it started to fit.

At half past one, I told him we needed to head back to our cars, which were parked outside the cafe.

We kissed for a long time before I finally had to cut us off. I hopped in my car and started it up.

"See you when you get back," he said, frowning lightly.

I laughed at his expression.
"I'll be back Sunday night. Oh and don't forget to water the two plants in my window sill please."

He smiled back.
"The plants are in good hands. You girls be careful. I love you."

"Love you too."

One more kiss through my rolled down window.

Then I was off.

It was no surprise that Jen liked good music. And the fact that she liked her radio cranked loud. So road tripping with her was easy. Fun.
The two of us made a good pair.

When we arrived in Portland it was only five o clock. (Jen drove on the fast side) So we went straight to our motel to get settled in. After that, Jen took me out to eat at a French restaurant called Le Pigeon.
It was definitely Le Expensive as well, so I insisted on leaving the tip.

"Heather," she started, and I recognized that tone easily.
"It's my treat. This whole weekend is my treat. Easy Street would not be what it is today without all of your help."

To which I replied. "Jennifer. You're the genius. I just help stack records."

She shook her head disapprovingly, but I won and left the tip anyway.
We swallowed down the last of our cocktails and left.
By now it was dark out, but she promised to show me more of her favorite Portland spots tomorrow, after we were finished with the trade.

Later, once we were in our motel room for the night, I showered first and crawled in bed- after checking the sheets first, that is.
All clear.
The room was very tidy and clean actually, not that I'd expect Jen to pick a bad place.

As I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, I found myself thinking about Jeff. He really had seemed sad for me to leave..... But then again it was our first time to be apart. We were always together lately.
Literally just a mere twenty feet apart, even when we were in our own apartments, which was rare.
Suddenly, I reminisced to the night he asked me to be his girlfriend.
It was the same crazy night that he -in an intoxicated state- got in the shower with me. Then we slept together that night for the first time, just slept, to clarify. He was so drunk and so exhausted that I was sure he'd forget it all about it the next morning, but surely enough, he remembered, and asked me again.
So I'd said yes.
Then, not too long after, I made out with Chris.

I squeezed my eyes shut in the already dark room.
Regret. So much regret.
And yet at the same time, I felt my toes curl at the memory of it.

Before I could think on that subject any further, I took a deep breath, pulled the covers up to my chin, and went to sleep.

* * *

The rest of the weekend went by in a blur. We were very successful at the record trade, and Jen showed me lots of cool sights around town afterword. Before I knew it, it was Sunday afternoon and we were re packing our bags. Jen took her suitcase out to the car first as I gathered up a few more things. That was when the phone rang.

I walked over to the little desk and picked up the phone.



I froze. The voice was one I hadn't heard in years but recognized instantly. It belonged to my older and only brother, Will.

I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Yes. Hi. I called your apartment several times but no one answered until a little bit ago. Some guy named Jeff? Anyway. I told him who I was and he said to try you at this number."

"Okay... so, you reached me. What do you want?" I asked, confusion leading to irritation.

"It's mom," Will said shakily. "She was in a car wreck late last night."
A pause.
Then, "She's not doing good."

My heart began to beat faster in my chest as I considered this news.

"Oh. Wow. Well, I- I'm sure she'll pull through-"

Will interrupted, "Heather, no. Look..... I think you need to come home."

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