Chapter 12

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And thus the party commenced.
I downed a couple of crown and cokes, but because my stomach was pretty much empty by now, I felt an almost immediate buzz.

I needed food.

So I was grateful when I heard someone announce 'The pizza dude's here!'
The poor man must have made 4 or 5 trips carrying in all those boxes of pizza. I waited until the line died down- yes, there was a legitimate pizza line- and then I walked up to grab a few slices for Jeff and I. There were only a few paper plates left, so I began to pile both of our pizza on one plate.

In my peripheral vision, I saw a dark figure approach the table beside me, also getting pizza.
And then:
"Heather." The word, my name, was spoken so silkily smooth, arrogant even, I knew instantly who the voice belonged to.

Without looking, I replied "Chris."
He chuckled. "You must be pretty hungry. That's a mountain of pizza you have there."

Sighing, I turned my head to look at him. And that was my first mistake.
He looked gorgeous of course.

He was wearing ripped jeans, a black T-shirt with some band on it who i'd never heard of, and black Doc martens.

I paused a second too long.

Then I blinked, trying to grasp at my composure.
The alcohol in my system wasn't helping. "It's not all for me."
"Ah," he said with a slow nod. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"Yes, they were great. You were there?"

"Of course! I tried to make my way over to you, but it was just too tight. Lots of people," he added at the end with a smirk.

I shifted my weight to the other foot.
"I'm sure you're not used to that," I replied.

He raised a long eyebrow. "Not used to what?"

"Having a big turn out at a show," I said matter of factly.

I could see the initial surprise in his eyes, but just for a second before they regained the confident look.

"Ouch, Heather. Alcohol makes you mean." But he was doing the smirk thing again.
I tried to laugh casually, then to myself I thought: Why did I just say that?
"I gotta take Jeff's pizza to him," I mumbled.
"Of course," Chris said. "Susan is waiting on me too. Duty calls." He winked.

Shaking my head, mostly to try and clear it, I wove through the bodies back to where I'd left Jeff.

There he was, sitting on a couch next to Jason, from Soundgarden, they were both leaned back all but dying of laughter.
Ah yes, alcohol made everything funnier. "Here you go," I said, handing Jeff a slice of pepperoni pizza. "Oh thanks babe," he said, taking a huge bite. "Here sit down," he offered scooting over.

I took him up on it. He slipped his arm around me and we stayed like that for awhile, eating pizza until we were stuffed.

Some time passed, but it was hard to tell how much. Some people left, some new people showed up. But the party was steadily rocking along.
I was meeting a lot of new faces, I just hoped I would remember their names after tonight.

I had to go to the bathroom, but there was a line, so I leaned against the hall to wait my turn. While I stood there, a guy walked past who caught my eye.
"Hey," I said, loud enough that he heard me over all the music and conversation.

He stopped and turned around slowly. I did a little wave with my fingers as if to say Over here.
He began to walk in my direction, but I could tell by his expression he didn't know me and looked confused.
"Hi," I greeted.

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