Chapter 15

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At first he didn't say anything, he just stared at me with those blue eyes, the same blue eyes that had been haunting me since the party.

And then he calmly said, "Don't be sorry, Heather. I should've seen that coming. Susan's been acting strange for awhile now. I'm actually glad I caught her when I did."
"So you're broken up now, then?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes. After Jeff, you, and the others dropped me off last night, Susan was there at my place waiting for me. We got into a huge fight over it. She wanted to work things out, but I ended it." His words were strong, but his voice gave away the pain underneath.

I pretended not to notice.

"Oh wow. Well.." I trailed off, not knowing how to go about what I needed to say next.

"Well...what?" he prodded lightly.
"I just, I mean, Susan didn't see me, did she?"

"Oh no," he assured me quickly. She was pre occupied. Trust me."
I felt a wave of relief crash over me.
Suddenly, Chris grabbed one of my hands and held it tightly between both of his.

My heart thumped quickly in my chest in response.
"By the way," he began, almost shyly, "I'm sorry for that, Heather. Besides the fact that you're with Jeff, you were very-" he paused, changing his approach.

"I'm... assuming you were perhaps intoxicated?"

I dropped my gaze, looking at our feet. My answer was two nods.

Chris chuckled before speaking again.
"Then I was right. And I shouldn't have done what I did. In fact, I shouldn't have even followed you up the stairs...."
This time, I cut him off.
"Chris, stop. Please. I am the one who went up to you and initiated the entire thing. You were just minding your own business. It was my dumb choice," I told him, meeting his intense gaze again.

"I wouldn't go so far as to call it a dumb choice..." he said with a tilt of his head, grinning.
Raising my eyebrows, I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip didn't loosen.

He laughed. "Heather," he began, and his tone was almost like a parent trying to explain something to a child.
"Chris," I said, copying his tone. My eyes rolled.

He smiled softly before continuing:
"I do sincerely apologize for what happened, and I will take the blame one hundred and ten percent. But at the same time, I'm grateful."
"How so?" I asked, remaining aware of my hand which was now toasty warm in his grasp.

"First of all, because I finally saw Susan for what she really is. But secondly, I finally got my answer to what it was like to kiss you."

I swallowed, unsure of the direction our conversation was headed.
But, I gave in anyway: "And what was that?"
"It was the most amazing kiss," he murmured. "At least, on my end it was," he added with a wink.
Oh, those dark eyelashes.

"It was uhh, pretty great for me too," I answered truthfully.

Chris smiled, he was full of them it seemed.
"But," I said again, before he could speak. "It was wrong. Jeff...."

His face fell, then he nodded with his eyes down. "I know - So Jeff doesn't know?"
"No not at all. He's just been as sweet as ever, I've never felt more guilty in my life," I admitted.

"Damn," he muttered quietly. "I'm sorry Heather. You shouldn't have to feel that way."
I only shrugged.

He sighed.

We sat there on the bench silently for awhile, the night sky still beautiful all around us.
"Do you love him?" Chris asked plainly, suddenly.

Caught off guard, I said "We've only been together for a couple months, but, yes, I think I really do. He's the best guy I've ever been with."

Chris stared ahead toward the city view, thinking about my response, it seemed.

"You know what's funny," I began.
"I met Jeff just a few hours before I met you. When I came up the elevator he-"

"I know, you bumped into each other," he interrupted bitterly.
I glanced at him questioningly.
"Jeff told us," he explained. "He was pretty happy about it. He... Dammit, this sucks. He's my friend, a good friend. I wish it wasn't this way."

"I know," was all I said.

Suddenly a drop of water landed on my hand. I looked upward just as another drop landed on my cheek. And another.

"Come on," Chris said quickly, letting go of my hand and standing up. "Let's get out of here before it really starts to come down. I'll walk you to your car."

Standing as well, I grimaced. "I walked."

"Then you can get in with me. I'll give you a ride."

I probably should have "thought about it" longer, but I did not. The threat of the rain, and my truest desires complied.


Chris held my hand again as we briskly left the park. I really hoped no one we knew had seen us.
We hopped in Chris' car, and both put our hands close to the vents as the heater warmed up.

"This is only fall," I said, shivering. "I hope the winters here aren't too much worse."

"Colder than this," he said with a nod. "But not too much more. You'll be fine."

Once the car had warmed up, he backed out of the space and headed back down into the Lower Queen Anne neighborhood. It occurred to me there, at the stop sign of Second Avenue, that I'd never seen Chris behind the wheel before.
It didn't look right. He was too beautiful for such a mundane task.
On the other hand, it only enhanced my attraction to him.
It reminded me that he was in fact real. And so within my reach.

'When I See You Smile' by Bad English, played quietly on the radio as we drove. Chris sang along softly.
I had to force my eyes to stay on the road ahead, rather than just admire him.

I thought, at one point, he might try to pull the "Hey, are you hungry? Wanna stop at (insert late night restaurant)"
But he never did, which was good.

We went straight to my apartment complex.

He pulled up along the curb, put it in park and got out to get my door.
I inhaled sharply as the cold air hit my face. "Well," I began. But I was cut off abruptly as Chris' long, strong arms wrapped around me and hugged me tight. I hesitantly leaned my head on his chest.

We stayed that way long enough for me to listen and concentrate on the rise and fall of his breathing, his quick heart beat.

All too soon however, he released me, and I felt as though our little magical time together, was up.

I looked up into his eyes.

"Thank you for the ride home."
To my surprise, he pulled me in for a second embrace, this time pressing his lips to my forehead, lightly and quickly.

"I wish it had been me on the elevator," he whispered suddenly.
I squeezed my eyes shut, not knowing what to say... just knowing, in this very moment, I felt the same.

Again, too quickly, he pulled away.
"Goodnight Chris," I murmured.

"Goodnight, Heather."

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