Chapter 35

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I tried not to concentrate on Jerry's expression- which was full of obvious disappointment- as I sat down beside Stone, Mike, Jeff, and Eddie.

Stone, who seemed to be the only one who noticed, leaned in close to me and whispered "ouch."

I rolled my eyes and scooted my chair closer to the table.

After a few seconds of silence, Eddie, who was holding the menu and staring intently at it, asked: "What do you recommend here, Heather?"

I pursed my lips, thinking. "Well you can't go wrong with any of the cheeseburgers. The chicken strips are good, too."

"Okay, I'll go with the cheeseburger," he concluded easily, setting the menu down.

Then his blue eyes looked into mine.

"No problem," I answered with a smile.

Jeff glanced briefly at me, but looked away before we made eye contact.

Our waiter came and took our drink order. Stone tried to start us all off with a beer, but I spoke up before the waiter left.

"Actually, can I get an old fashioned, please?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, not a problem."


When I looked forward, Eddie who was sitting across from me, was grinning hugely.

"What?" I asked, feeling suddenly self conscious.

"I just love that. I really respect a woman who will stand up for herself and order what she wants."

I glanced quickly at the other guys reaction; Mike nodded slowly, as if he'd never thought of it that way, but agreed. Jeff and Stone, however, just rolled their eyes.

"Well thanks," I said, laughing a little.

Eddie just grinned, and it occurred to me that not only was he very easy to look at- he was charming.... Different.

Just a couple minutes later, our server came back with four beers and one old fashioned.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"We are," Stone answered.

Eddie, who went last, grinned at me after ordering his cheeseburger.

Once the waiter left, I decided it was my turn to ask the questions.

"So what do you think about Seattle, so far?" I asked Eddie, taking a sip of my drink.

"It's very different from San Diego, that's for sure. But it's cool. I like it so far."

"I understand the different part. I've only lived here for a year, and it took some adjusting. But I love it now."

Eddie raised his eyebrows. "'Really? Where did you move from?"

"Midwest," I answered with a shrug. "I wanted a big change. This'll do it, that's for sure."

Eddie nodded slowly, like he was digesting each word carefully.

"That's awesome. But I don't know that I'd move here. I'm not sure I can give up my surfing."

"You surf?" I asked, intrigued.

That was when I noticed the shell necklace he wore.

He nodded. "Just about everyday!"

"That's cool. Very California of you," I teased.

He laughed sweetly. "What can I say? Actually, I was surfing in PB one morning a couple weeks ago, literally still had the sand in my feet, when I recorded over the tape Jeff and Stone sent."

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