Chapter 10

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All night long I dreamed of showering with Jeff Ament and when my eyes blinked open against the morning light, I remembered it was not a dream.

I instantly stretched my arm out to find his warm body, but the bed was empty. I sat up slowly, scratching my head. Where did he go? Just then my door opened and in walked Jeff, and as a nice surprise, he was still in his boxers only. He was carrying a tray and he came to my side of the bed. "Good morning, Heather!" He placed in my lap a tray of food- toast with jelly, a glass of orange juice and a cup of yogurt.

I stared in wonder.

"Oh and you didn't have any eggs, so, that's why the main course is kinda missing.." he said, sounding embarrassed. I laughed.

"I forgot to buy eggs the other day. But thank you Jeff. Why'd you do all this?"

He sat on the foot of the bed.
"As a way to say thank you. And in hopes that you'll forgive me for last night." His eyes looked down at the floor, ashamed. I took a bite of toast. "Me? Forgive you? Shouldn't I be thanking you?"
He looked up in confusion. "Huh? For what?"
"For gifting my eyes with the sight of drunk Jeff Ament in my shower," I said dramatically with my hand on my chest.

He grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it. "Ughhh I'm such a jerk. I'm sorry you had to see that." He shook his head.

I laughed. "I guess I could say the same thing though. About you having to see me," I realized.

At that his smile returned.

"Nothing to be sorry for, Heather."
I grinned and handed him a piece of toast. "Split this with me."
After all the food was gone, I got out of bed and Jeff helped me make it.
"Oh hey I have a question," Jeff said as he handed me the decorative pillows. I began to place them on my bed as I said

"What's that?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I dropped the pillow and stared at him in shock. His smile was confident and beautiful. I crawled on the bed, grabbed his hands and pulled him up onto the bed with me.

He laid down and pulled me on top of him, to where I sat on his bare stomach. He held my hands securely.
"You remembered," I stated in awe.

"I told you I would. Now are you going to answer my question?"

I grinned, leaned down and pressed my lips to his for the longest, quick moment.

When I pulled away, I whispered "Yes of course."

We laid there for a moment like that, when all of a sudden he sat up.
"I'll be right back," he said. He ran to my bathroom and threw up.

For the next couple hours, Jeff's delayed hang over gave him a pretty good run for his money. I helped him back in bed, and asked him to give me Greg's phone number.

I turned off the light and shut the door quietly.
I called Greg and told him about the apartment key. He said he had it with him but he was about to go to Andy's house to practice some of their new songs on the drum set there. Since I remembered where Andy lived, I told him I'd meet him there.

I got fully ready and dressed, then went on my way. When I arrived at his house, the rest of the band was there, except for Jeff of course, and also all of Soundgarden. They were all sitting around on couches with guitars in hand and notepads on the floor. Andy was writing something down when I walked in.

"Hello," I said softly.
They all looked up. "Hi Heather!"

They greeted. Greg got up and handed me Jeff's key.

"Thanks so much," I told him.

"What happened?" Stone asked.

I explained the story of drunken Jeff and the lost key and then they all laughed.

All but one.

I hated how aware I was of Chris.

He sat on the end of one of the leather couches with a magazine in his lap. He looked gorgeous over there, but I forced myself to look away. Jeff was my boyfriend now.

The guys offered me to stay and jam with them, more like listen to them jam, but I told them I had to get back.

On the way out to the car, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and it was Stone.
"Oh hey Stone," I said with a smile. "Hey," he responded. "Jeff asked you out didn't he?"
"How'd you know?"

He gave me a look. "Heather, you're radiating the 'girlfriend' look. Plus I figured Jeff might. He'd been talking about it earlier last night, before he got so drunk," he added.

"Well, guilty as charged," I said with a shrug.

He laughed. "Team taken!" He said and he offered his fist. I bumped it back with my own, laughing.


When I got back to the apartment,
Jeff was still sound asleep so I set his key on my table and tidied up the entire place.
Especially sanitizing my bathroom. Just then my phone rang.
It was Jennifer, calling from the shop. "Hey girl, I know it's your day off, but if you don't have anything going, I'd love your help sorting through some of these new records."

"Sure, I'll be over in just a bit."

I left a note beside the key explaining where I went. I slipped on my doc martens and shut the door softly behind me.

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