Chapter 32

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The next few days passed slowly.

When Jerry and the rest of the guys got back into town from Portland, we all met up at Linda's for dinner.
That's when Jerry asked if I'd want to go with him to see Metallica in Tacoma this coming Saturday night.

Of course I said yes!

When Saturday finally rolled around and I'd left Easy Street- I only worked the morning shift- I hopped in my car and headed to Xana's.

A couple months ago, she got her cosmetology license and had been begging to practice on me ever since. It was true I'd been putting her off for weeks now, but it was just my luck that the day I had agreed to let her do it, was the day of the concert, and therefore, a day I'd have to see Jerry.

Maybe just a trim! I'd suggested.

Oh no, she'd already done plenty of those, she said.

Xana wanted to try her hand at coloring. On me.


When I pulled up to her corner apartment, she was standing outside. She waved happily when she saw my car. Her smile, which was always so genuine, reminded me constantly of how strong she really was.

I parked along the curb and got out.

"Hey!" she called.

"Hi, Xan."

When I reached her, she hugged me tightly.

"Thanks so much for agreeing to this," she said as I followed her up the steps.

I tried hard to keep my tone positive.

"Of course. I'm excited."

Xana had basically transformed her small studio apartment into a hair salon.
She even had one of the spinning salon chairs set up in front of a dresser with a big mirror propped up on it.

"Wow," I said. "Looks professional in here! Where'd you find the chair?"

"The Antique Mall! It was only ten bucks. Isn't it cute?"

She sat in the chair and spun around a few times.

"Super cute," I agreed.

I set my purse and keys on her sofa then, and she rose from the chair.

"Okay, time to get to business," Xana said with a firm nod. "Come on over."

I nodded nervously and sat in the chair.
She undid my hair from the scrunchy that loosely held it back and fanned it over my shoulders.

"Hmmm," she murmured. "What shall we do?"

I stared in the mirror at my long blonde hair.

"What about just a little blue streak or two?" I asked.

"WAIT! I know exactly what to do," she blurted, overpowering my feeble suggestion.

I stared at her cautiously in the mirror- waiting.

"Let's dye it brown!" Her excitement was through the roof.

I blinked. "Brown? I've never really been a brunette-"

"It will look so good on you. Just trust me, Heather! Please?"

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