Chapter 19

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I awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside the window, and sunlight pouring in through the sheer blue curtains.
I rolled over to find the other side of the bed was empty.
As much as I would've liked to bury myself under the covers and go back to sleep, I sat up with a sigh- rubbing my eyes. The floor was cold for my bare feet, so I walked over to my suitcase and got my fuzzy slippers and robe out. After donning those, I brushed my teeth, then my hair.
Okay, I said inwardly.
I'm ready to face the day.

When I walked down the hall and then into the living room, I was greeted by synchronized cheers of "Happy Birthday!" Jeff, Stone, and even Melanie, all smiled and clapped as I made my robed entrance. Then they all pulled out those little paper things that you blow into and it unrolls itself, and blew into them.
Balloons of every color were all around the room.

Somewhere unseen, a radio played a happy song that I didn't know.
My cheeks warmed; my heart swelled.

"Awww, you guys...."
But before I could say more, Jeff walked slowly up to me, holding a vase over flowing with pink flowers.

"Happy Birthday, babe."
"Thank you." My voice was thick.
He handed the vase to me.
"Peonies?" I questioned, sniffing one of the gorgeous soft pink blooms.

"Do you like them?" he asked, eyeing them, and then me.
"They're the state flower of Indiana, apparently. Okay now that sounds really cheesy... but I just thought that maybe they'd remind you of home."

Jeff's statement certainly reminded me of something- but it had less to do with home and more to do with Mike Starr. Still cringing about that.
"I love them. You are the best."
Then I turned to my audience who currently- resembling five year olds- were still doing the blower things.
Jeff and I laughed.

"Where'd you get all the balloons?!" I asked, grabbing a blue one that was on the couch.

"I brought them with us. Aired them up this morning," Jeff said, grabbing, then punting a balloon across the room.

"We all helped, by the way. Lungs of a singer, baby," said Stone, hitting his chest proudly.

"You're a guitarist, sweetie," Melanie reminded him. And for the first time, I actually laughed at what she'd said.

A few minutes later,
the guys began to make us breakfast.
I offered to help, but Jeff denied me.
"Not on your birthday," he insisted.

So instead I drank coffee on the patio and caught up on my latest Danielle Steel novel. I'd read half a page when the back door swung open and Melanie stepped out. She was decked out head to toe in a colorful aerobics outfit. And leg warmers in the woods? 
She put her leg up on the porch railing, then leaned towards it. Stretching.
I lowered my sunglasses to the bridge of my nose.
"Fixing to work out?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Mhm. I'm going for a jog." She switched legs and repeated the same motion.

"Ah. Good for you."

"Yeah, I have to work off all the s'mores from last night. They're totally bad for you."

"Yeah, well. Better do some extra laps then. Jeff's making pancakes."

Melanie, not missing a beat, said, "I hope he makes the ones with chocolate chips. Those were always my favorite. He used to make them for us every Saturday!"

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