Chapter 5

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My first full week living in Seattle was generally uneventful. I worked Monday through Friday at the record store. I loved working with Jennifer, and she loved having the extra help. It was fun spending so many hours surrounded by music.

I was also beginning to understand the hype over Chris' band. We played their record 'Louder than Love' often in the shop, and I was amazed at the talent I heard. Crazy that last week I'd met and hung out with him. Or... had I? I hadn't seen, heard from, or spoken to any of the guys from that night.

I was just sure I'd see Jeff in the elevator or hall again, but it never happened all week. Not once! I started to question my memory. Did that night even happen? I shook my head and lit a cigarette. I was waiting in line to pick up the Chinese take out I'd called in from work. Jen swore this was the best Chinese food in all of Seattle.

I was trying to take the taxi less and less, partly to save money and partly for the exercise. So with my food in hand, I started walking back. As soon as I was in the apartment, I kicked off my converse and sat down at my little table to eat.

Just as I was taking my first bite, there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Jeff standing there, hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. I opened the door with a smile. "Hey, Heather," he greeted. He was wearing a strange, furry hat - it reminded me of a shortened version of something a British soldier might wear (minus the chin strap) But somehow, Jeff made it look cool.

"Long time no see, neighbor," I said cooly, keeping one hand on the door frame. I didn't want to appear overly happy to see him, even if I was, indeed, a little happy.
"I know," he agreed quickly. "We've been so busy with MLB this past week, writing songs like crazy. Been leaving in the morning, and coming home late at night."

He didn't have to explain anything to me, after all this was only our second time seeing each other, ever, but I kinda liked that he was. "Oh, wow! Busy for sure," I said calmly.

"Yeah so uh, anyway, it's Friday, we got the night off. I was gonna see if you're doing anything?" he asked, looking right in my eyes.
"Umm," I trailed off, at a loss, and then "Well, I'm kinda tired Jeff, I don't think I'm up for another one of Andy's parties just yet."
"Oh no, I was thinking just you and I could go do something," he explained, his eyes gauging my reaction. Oh. "Well... what did you have in mind?" I asked, trying to maintain the calmness as best I could, but I knew I was blushing.

"Well surely you haven't experienced all Seattle has to offer in just one week?" Jeff was smiling his contagious grin now.

"I've only experienced things within a walking radius of this building. And my walking radius is pretty short," I said with a shrug. Jeff laughed at that. "Well I've got a car."
"My hero," I laughed.
"So are you ready to go like now, then?" he asked. I glanced back in my apartment and saw my abandoned Chinese food sitting on the table. "Umm yeah one second," I said.

"Or actually, just come in real quick."

Jeff followed me inside and closed the door softly. "Aw man, were you about to eat that?" He gestured to the food. I closed the lid and stuck it in the fridge.

"Oh no, I mean I was. But it can wait till tomorrow. Have a seat, If you want, and I'll go change out of these sweat pants," I told him quickly.
"Sure thing," Jeff said, walking into my living room.

"Hey nice couch!"

"Thanks!" I called over my shoulder.

I swapped out my sweats for a pair of faded, high waisted denim shorts. I thought about wearing a tank top, but we were still in Seattle here- it couldn't be over 80F. out there. Instead I slipped on a maroon T-shirt and tucked it into my shorts. I added a thin brown belt, again brushed through my hair, added just a spray of perfume and a swipe of lip stick.

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