Chapter 38

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After the show- which ended in applause, cheers, and request for an encore, twice- Caroline and I made our way through the crowd to the back stage area.
Steve, the ponytailed security guy, remembered us and let us through.

When the guys got off stage, energy was practically radiating off of them. They were elated; all sweat and smiles.

"That was freakin awesome!" yelled Stone. I smiled when I noticed the white scrunchie I lent him was still in his hair.

"They dug us." Jeff's smile was huge.

"Totally," agreed Dave.

They all talked and laughed and discussed the show in excitement, but Eddie was on the quiet side- just nodding and smiling here and there.

Melanie made her own debut as well when she sauntered around the corner in a tight fitting, bright orange dress. What was it with her and neons?

"Stoney!" She called.

Stone turned and smiled. "What'd you think, babe?"

"You did amazing," she purred.

Liking what he heard, he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close. It looked like he was about to kiss her when she snaked out of his grasp, her eyes looking over Stone's shoulder.

"Eddie, darling!"

Darling? I tried hard not to roll my eyes.

I watched, amused, as Melanie ran to Eddie and forced him into a big hug.

He pulled away first, giving her a polite, but clearly fake smile.

"You sang so beautifully, Eddie. Oh my goodness. There wasn't a single female in the room that wasn't drooling over you!"

I glanced over to see Stone's reaction.
It wasn't a good one.

He was staring at Melanie and Eddie and his eyes were narrowed to tiny slits. His mouth was set in a hard line.

"Thanks, Melanie," Eddie said kindly, but cooly.

I could tell she was about to say more, but thankfully, for Stone's sake, Steve reappeared and told the boys that the crowd had cleared out and that it was time to pack up their instruments and equipment. The other guys nodded and did so right away. Stone, no doubt in a bad mood now, grumbled about needing to 'get some roadies for this kind of stuff' but eventually did as he was told.

Once everything was packed and loaded, it was announced that there was now going to be a party at Melanie's parents house. Their upscale, three story waterfront house, that is. Her parents were in Bora Bora for the week so she was free to use it if needed- no big deal.
I sometimes wondered if Stone looked at Melanie and saw dollar signs.

"So whose in?" Jeff was asking. Then he glanced at me, and his tone softened. "Are you coming, Heather?"

"No, I have to work first thing in the morning."

Jeff looked disappointed, but nodded.

"You did a great job tonight," I said to cheer him up, but I also meant it.

"Thanks! Eddie deserves the most credit though."

"Oh yeah, whose Eddie riding with?" Dave asked.

Everyone glanced around.

It was then that they, including myself, realized that Eddie was no longer in the room.

"Where'd he go?" Jeff asked, concerned.

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