Chapter 43

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I woke early the next morning to a stiff neck- courtesy of Jeff's couch, not that I was complaining- and a strong sense of deja vu.

Unlike last night when I felt oddly peaceful being here, this morning I was feeling the opposite. Being in Jeff's apartment had all my senses aware and alert. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I turned on the television and watched cartoons. I thought about making coffee, but I didn't want to be noisy in the kitchen. 
So instead... I sat.

In the early light of day, it was even more difficult to come to terms with the fact that I really did cause a fire the night before, destroying everything I owned and risking the lives of others. Sheesh.
Leaving that curling iron on really was the cherry on top of the list of bad decisions I'd made. A complete accident, sure, but still.

So, what now? I was sitting on my exe's couch wearing nothing but one of his t shirts and my underwear while he slept in the other room.

This surely didn't seem like a step in the right direction..... It was almost as if everything I'd been working toward, suddenly got flipped upside down, and I was back at square one.

The fire was a curse, I thought bitterly.

Just then, the bedroom door swung open and Jeff walked out. He yawned hugely. Then his sleepy eyes glanced toward the living room, and then at me. He blinked once, and it almost looked as if he forgot I was here.

A familiar smile came upon his face.

"Good morning, Heather," he murmured.

Suddenly, with those three little words came a hundred sweet memories.

And then a small, quiet voice somewhere inside of me asked,

Or what if it's a blessing?

Eddie Vedder

Winter in Seattle is much colder than it is back in San Diego, that's for sure.
I buried my hands deep into the pockets of my corduroy jacket and continued down the sidewalk near Mike McCready's place.

Today is my 27th birthday.

I would've never guessed that I'd be spending my birthday anywhere other than my home of Southern California.
I imagined the warm, sunny skies and the dark blue waves that were just begging for a surfboard.

But instead I found myself surrounded by tall buildings, pine trees, and overcast skies.

Last night's gig went really well.
I'd played in a band or two before, been lead singer, written some songs and performed them, but this was different. It somehow felt right. And even though I wasn't quite used to this weather... or this city, for whatever reason, I think this is where I'm supposed to be.

I turned a corner and went inside a little coffee shop.

There was no line, so I stepped up to the counter. A girl with short, dark hair smiled when she saw me.

"What can I get you?"

"Just some coffee, please. Maybe one of those blueberry muffins, too."

"You got it."

After paying, I took my coffee and muffin and sat down at a small corner table.

I'd only taken a few sips when someone sat in the chair across from me. I looked up.

It was a guy I hadn't seen before.
He was wearing a dark flannel and had long, curly hair.

Mostly I was jealous of his mustache.

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