Chapter 1

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September 6,
8:30 am

Magnus was a full time 4th grade music teacher along with Alec but he didn't have to come in till second period. He helped Izzy with her fashion company mainly after school but today was going to become hectic so he decided to come in early this morning.

"Magnus what do you think of this?" Izzy asked him, holding up hot pink and yellow fabric.

Magnus thought neither but she was the boss so "Um...I think the hot pink?"

Izzy stared at him "Magnus...Do you really think that?"

Magnus knew that Izzy could tell he was lying. He sighed "Okay, the colors are both terrible. I mean come on it's an off white dress. You should use colors like this Magenta" He picked up the fabric and handed it to Izzy "Or like a aqua blue."

Izzy smiled taking the fabric from Magnus's hand "You see, that's why you're my right hand glittery man Magnus. Even I gagged at the colors I chose."

Magnus shook his head laughing and then gasped "Let's add Glitter!"

"I mean it is a wedding dress...Glitter would look nice by the middle part of this. Oh and it would look fabulous on the shoulder strap." Izzy agreed as she started cutting the fabric.

Magnus also started cutting fabric "Yeah, maybe we should add a different color towards the end of the dress. Like a floral type of blue."

Izzy nodded, walking over to the closet to get more fabric and her sketches "I came up with more designs that I think may complete this years' 'Just So Iz' fall collection." She spread all of the sketches out on the desk "Look at them and if you need or want to add something that you feel is missing, then feel free to do so."

"Okay" Magnus looked at them while Izzy worked more on wedding dress sketches.

The phone ringed and Izzy picked it up "Hello? Yes, hi. Yes I ordered that. Okay, I'm coming down now. Bye"

"Is that the 3 large boxes of Fabric that you ordered?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah, I got this really nice indian type of fabric along with colorful fabric and Oh that reminds me..." She pressed the button on her desk "Lydia, how is the design going with the dress?"

"It's going good Boss. We already added the jewelry to the waist line. All we have to do now is add the silky fabric." Lydia responded back.

Izzy smiled "Okay and Lydia what did I tell you about calling me boss?"

"Yes sorry Ms.Lightwood."

"It's fine Lydia." She then let go of the button and went back to the sketches. 

About 20 minutes later...

Magnus checked the time "Well I have to get to the school. Do you want me to take some of these sketches down and give it to Lydia?"

Isabelle shook her head "No, you don't need to do that. I'll do it myself. Just get to the school before my brother gets worried about where you're at."

"Yeah Alexander does tend to get a little worried." Magnus blushed slightly.

Izzy smirked "A little? Magnus, this is the same guy that sent me 15 messages and called me 10 times when he you came late. It's more than a little worried"

Magnus chuckled "Yeah...but it's also quite adorable."

Izzy smiled and waved at Magnus as he left the office. Lucky for Magnus, the school was like 5 blocks away from Izzy's company.
9:00 am

Magnus walked into the school and went to his mailbox. He walked pass Jace and Simon who gave him a quick "Hey" before walking away.

He made his way up to his classroom. He walked towards it a smiled, hearing the soothing sound of his Alexander playing the guitar. He slowly opened the door some kids noticed him, waving at him. He waved back and put his finger on his lip, watching his lover teach.

Alec strummed the guitar "Okay Class, if this is a G and this is a A" He strummed once more "Then what is this?"

Kids started yelling out answers.

"It's another A"

"No it's a B"

"It's an F...Right?"

"Hey, Im only picking on people with raised hands." Alec said sternly.

A girl raised her hand shyly. Alec picked on her "Yes Madzie?"

"It's a C. It's G then A then C."

Alec smiled "That's right Madzie! Good job."

The girl smiled at Alec and then at Magnus who gave her a thumbs up.

Alec put the guitar down and was about to speak when Magnus spoke first "Now we're going to go over our 'do re mi's' Right Alexander?"

Alec smiled getting up from his seat and hugged Magnus before pulling away "When did you get here?"

"Oh...well i've been here for like 5 minutes watching you teach." Magnus smiled and walked over to their desk and pulled off his jacket, putting it over his chair.

They both then stood in front of the class. Magnus smiled at everyone "Good morning My butterflies."

"Good morning Mr.Bane" The class said in unison.

Magnus folded his hands "So we're going to go over our do re mi's but in different tone's. So you guys know what to do. Altos on my left, Sopranos on my right, and Tenners in the middle."

The children scrambled to their rightful spots. Magnus looked at Alexander "Can you get the piano love?"

Alec blushed slightly before nodding. He got the piano and pushed it forward before sitting on the stool. Magnus stood by his side and wrapped his right arm loosely on Alec's shoulder.

"Do re mi fa sol la ti do" Magnus first did it.

"Okay, ready class?...And a 1...2...3" Magnus counted down.

"Do re mi fa sol la ti do" The class repeated after him.

Magnus nodded excitedly "Good! Good!" He looked down at Alec and smiled before looking at the kids once more.

"Okay now let's try it backwards...Do ti la sol f...." Alec closed his eyes and continued to play the key as he listened to Magnus's beautiful voice go up and down range's.

Magnus and Alec both continued to teach and life went on as usual. This was how their life has been going and they are very much happy with it...

But things change...

For the better...


For the worst...
Hey guys!


It's been a while but im back! This is the sequel to this is us and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of writers block for this chapter but then I got my shit together and start writing!

I would really appreciate it!

Also #saveshadowhunters!
Im still fighting and I wont stop!
Never! Never! Never!

Well till next time,
TheBisexualGirl15💙💜💖is OUTTT!!!

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