Chapter 22

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Magnus's Pov...







All of this was happening as people walked into the big elegant  space that Isabelle rented for her fashion show.

That's right, it's IZZY'S FASHION SHOW!

When I had first walked in with Isabelle and Alexander, paparazzi went wild and started taking pictures and bumbarding us with questions.

Isabelle answered most of the questions while some questions were directed towards Alexander and I. We smiled as we walked inside to see people talking. We were greeted and pulled into conversations. I could tell that Alexander just wanted to sit down instead of talking to all these people. So everytime we thought someone would be walking towards us, Alec would always pull me into a kiss. It only stopped when we heard someone clear their throat.

We looked up to see Izzy standing there, smirking and shaking her head. I blushed slightly while Alec kept a smirk on his face.

"Okay, lovebirds stop making out. It's my night. You guys can do all that stuff when we go to the club tonight. Now come on, Simon, Clary, and Jace are here. I want us all to take a picture together." She clapped her hands excitedly before walking away excitedly in her high heels. We followed after her and greeted the rest of the gang that came.

When we were all greeting each other, Izzy whistled, grabbing our attention "Okay guys, group picture before the fashion show starts!"

We all scrambled and huddled up into one big group. Izzy smiled and shouted "Okay, on the count of 3 scream Just so Iz! Ready, 1! 2! 3!"

"JUST SO IZ!" We all exclaimed in our poses. The group then dispersed after the picture and I came by Izzy's side and rubbed her arm, seeing the nervousness in her eyes "Hey, everything will be perfect tonight. You've been working on this line for so long and it's amazing. Now it's time to show your brilliant work out to the world. Okay? You got this!" I grinned and held up my hand and gave her a high five.

She smiled and nodded before walking backstage. I walked into the main area where the fashion show would be happening. So many people were here to see Izzy's fashion line and I couldn't be more proud. I was looking around trying to find Alexander when he suddenly stood up and waved his hand at me. I giggled and walked over to where he was and sat down, leaning on his shoulder.

Alec kissed my forehead, sighing "Where were you?"

I looked up from where I was "I was just giving your sister a pep talk. She was just a bit nervous but I know it's going to be amazing."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see it. If anyone has anything not nice to say about well...They'll just have to deal with me" Alec growled and suddenly my ovaries were shaking.

I bit my lip "That was so hot." I whispered in his ear.

He smirked but then his face got serious "Just let me know where you went next time okay?"

I nodded and carressed his cheek. I understood why. Ever since I told him about that situation with Jonathan, he's been more alert and overprotective and I find it quite sweet.

The lights started to dim slowly. Jace, Simon, and Clary took their seats next to us. The crowd started cheering when Isabelle walked out in her gold heels and waved at everyone.

She stop towards the end of the runway and brought the microphone to her lips and started her speech.

"Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to my fashion show to introduce my new fashion line in Just So Iz that is 'Pride'. You know the word pride can mean so many things and it represents so much. That's what my line represents, pride for oneself and in others. The inspiration for the title was from my right hand man and best friend, Magnus Bane. Mags, stand up and give him around of appalause everyone."

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