Epilouge-"This Is Us"

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Magnus' Person Pov

Journal Entry: October 15,2021

After Alexander and I adopted Rafael, life started to get a lot better. I became a full time fashion designer working for Isabelle's company. The sad thing though is that I had to leave Alec to teach the class by himself but the kids loved him and from time to time, I would go visit the class. Also since Rafael is now enrolled in the school, I would also come to pick them up and take them home sometimes.

Oh...Alexander and I...GOT MARRIED! It was a much smaller wedding than I had planned it to be but after everything that happened dealing with the situation, we just wanted to be surrounded by our family and the friends closest to us. It was a beautiful garden ceremony and truly a night to remember.

Speaking of the situation, Luke had also talked to us about the verdict with Jonathan. He told us that "Due to all the evidence present in the case, that Rafael wouldn't have to testify." I was relieved when he said that because I didn't want to put Rafael through that trauma again. He did say that I would have to testify but I didn't mind because I just wanted to see this man behind bars. So I testified and with my family by my side, I got through my testimony and we waited for the verdict.

"We find the defendant...guilty."

When I heard that, I bursted into tears, we all did.
The man that had caused our family so much pain...
Was finally behind bars where he belonged.
It was officially over.
We were free of Jonathan.
And now we could continue with our lives.

Max is about to turn 1 soon and we're planning a get together for him today. Just a little picnic with family. It'll be fun! Welp time to go!
I'll see you later journal.
Love Magnus!

Sighing, I close my journal and put it down on my bed.

"Magnus!" I hear Alexander's voice calling my name, and that reminds me again that it's time for us to go.

Third Person POV

Magnus grabbed the bag with the some of the decorations, plates, and cups. He put his sun glasses on top of his head and head out to meet Alec at the front door. His smile grew at the sight of Alec holding both Max and Raf in arms with the picnic basket in his hand and approach them asking, "Do you need help darling?"

"No, I'm good. I can handle these big boys here!" Alec starts bouncing them in his arms, resulting in giggles filling the apartment. Magnus came closer and pulled them into a hug "I love you all so much. Your happiness makes me happy. Thank you." They all reciprocated the hugs, then pulling back, Alec proceed to say "And we love you and cherish you Magnus. Thank you." Magnus' eyes brimmed with tears at that but went away when he got a text from Isabelle saying that everyone was downstairs waiting for them.

"Okay! Enough with the emotions. It's time for us to get this celebration going! Am I right?" Magnus kissed Max's forehead "Come on, everybody else is here." They walked out and met everyone downstairs.

Isabelle fanned over Max's blue color coordinated outfit as they got in the car to head to the picnic site. Once they got their, everybody helped Magnus set up the table and decorations with the cups and plates. Simon and Isabelle brought the blankets while Jace and Clary brought the pillows so it came together pretty quickly. After a little bit, they were finally done.

Magnus went to set up the gift table while Alec started setting up the food on the table

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Magnus went to set up the gift table while Alec started setting up the food on the table. The picnic was just about to begin but something was missi-

"HEY! Happy Almost Birthday Max!" Catrina exclaimed, making her way over to them. Max made a gibberish kind of sound, his best way of saying thank you.

Magnus hugged Catrina "Thank you for coming" He took her gift and put it on the table. With that, they both sat down and the picnic went into full swing.

3 hour later

Magnus clears his throat, "Okay so before we help max open his presents, we would like to say a few words." He held Alec's hand "Max's birthday is almost here and I just want to say how grateful I am to this precious boy here." Holding Max's little hand, who was sitting between them. "The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life. You're our everything and more Max! We love you and we can't wait to see what life has in store for you. Also, I'm grateful for you Raf! You've been such a wonderful big brother to Max and I'm grateful, we're grateful that we get to call you our son." Rafael's eyes brimmed with tears as he ran up to hug them. They had a family hug before pulling away.

"We love you both so much." Both Magnus and Alec said. "We love you too" Raf responded.

Alec goes to speak. "Also...We just want to thank everyone who's here! We wanted to take the time to celebrate our beautiful son Max but to also just celebrate how life is right now. It was very hectic for a while and it was hard...really hard..." Hearing Magnus' breath shake, Alec wrapped his arm around Magnus' waist. Magnus took a breathe before nodding at Alec to continue "But life has blessed us with Max, Raf, and all of you and has given us the honor to call you our family. Magnus and I could not be happier. We love you all so much. So happy almost birthday to Max and thank you all for being a wonderful family."

Isabelle smiled, teary eyed "Of course. Always!"
Catrina added on "You're never gonna get rid of us!"
Jace grinned "Yeah, we're here for the long run!"

Magnus and Alec chuckled before shouting "Okay! Present time"

They brought the gifts to the table and started opening them. Asmodeus gifted Max a blue glitter bow tie and Maryse gifted him an elephant pillow plushie. Sadly they couldn't be their so they gave Magnus and Alec the gifts ahead of time.

2 hours later

After opening more gifts, they stopped at Isabelle's gift which was a blue glittery ball. At first, everyone was playing, throwing the ball back and forth. Alec helped Max by keeping him lifted so that he was leveled with everybody to throw the ball. It was fun but after some time, Magnus and Alec sat down. Simon took over helping out Max before they moved to the ground, rolling the ball on the floor. As they continued, the sun started setting, creating a calming ombré effect. Magnus smiled, watching Simon, Clary, and Jace running away from Isabelle with Max on Simon's back and Rafael on Catrina's shoulders running after them.

"Y'all be careful now." Alec playfully warned. Magnus chuckled before leaning back into Alec.

'This Is Us' Magnus whispered looking at them running.

"This is us" Alexander repeated smiling.

"Forever and Always" Alexander says looking into the distance.

"Forever and always" Magnus grinned softly, looking up. Alec smiled down at him and leaned in, kissing him. Their lips softened as they pulled away.

Once more, looking around at the family in front of them, their eyes softened. Looking back each other, then back at the sight before them, they whispered...

'This Is Us'

I can't believe it's over! This is a series I worked on for so long. From getting ideas, to getting writer's block for more than a year. Especially with COVID and everything else, my mind was just all over the place. From writing to struggling on what to say, it's finished.

Thank you! THANK YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this story and supporting me as an author through this journey!

I absolutely love MALEC and love these characters so much!
This will be my last story for Malec ever!
I'm truly going to miss them!

I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you once more for supporting this series!
I love you all💜

TheBisexualGirl19 is OUT!

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