Chapter 26

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Magnus's Pov

I looked over at Rafael as I counted the minutes or...hours that have passed by with us being tied up in this basement.

"Raf" I whispered to him.

He awoke from his slumber and looked at me with wide eyes "Magnus...Where are we?" His eyes started to tear up.

A small smile appeared on my face as I tried to help him keep calm "Rafael, I don't know...But I promise you, that we'll get out here, okay? We'll make it out of here. We just have to keep calm and...Find a happy place!" I encouraged.

Rafael tilted his head to the side "A happy place?"

I nodded "Yeah, a happy place. A place where you feel comfortable or where you feel welcomed and you feel a sense of home. No matter if it's a place, a person, or even people. Your happy place is your place. Just think about that okay?"

Rafael smiled and nodded "Okay Magnus, I will" He then closes his eyes and scrunches his face, trying to think of one.

As I look at him, his face starts to smoothen out and he opens his eyes "Found it" He whispers.

"Good, good. Now keep that with you-" I'm cut off by the of footsteps coming to the door of the basement. I looked towards the door, but still noticed how Rafael's body tensed up.

The door opened.

I looked up...

I froze...

"Hello Darling"

"Trans boy...How lovely it is to see you"

"Remember me Maggie...It's been years..."

I knew those heels from anywhere...

That voice I thought I could trust, that I could give a second chance to...

And that smirk...That smirk that haunted me through high school and put me through hell and back...

"Jonathan" I growl as I his smirk deepens along with Sebastian's and Camille's.

He chuckles deeply "In the flesh"

"Why?" I ask in attempt to know WHY all of this is happening.

"Why?" He walks closer to me and bends down "Because you and your little group of friends have had the life and that could have been me but I was expelled and kicked out of school because of you and that's where my life truly started going under. I've been watching you for a while now, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Now I'm here to return the favor and make you life miserable."

I looked at him like he was crazy "Wait...You do remember that the reason you got expelled is because you bullied me in high school and you sexually assaulted me...You did all those things to me! Did I ask you to bully me? To touch me? To violate me? Did I ask for it!? NO! I DIDN'T-"


My head was now leaning to the side as I could feel the swelling of my cheek after Jonathan's slap. I could hear Camille and Sebastian both laughing. I also heard Rafael gasp and I looked at him. I smiled as much as I could, then glaring back at smirking Jonathan.

I glared harder and leaned closer to him "No I didn't ask for it. You deserved to get expelled. You got away with too much back in high school and I finally put a stop to it."

I could see the anger in his eyes but the sickening smirk deepened. He put his hand on my cheek and I tensed up at the feeling of his touch...His hands were cold. Not just physically but mentally.

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