Chapter 20

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1 Month Later...

"I miss my little butterflies" Magnus pouts, turning to Alec who has his eyes straight on the road driving.

Today was the day that Magnus finally got to go back to work after his leave.

Alec grinned "They miss you too. We all miss you." He turned to Magnus as they stopped at a red light.

Magnus smirked, gripping Alec's hand "Darling, you see me everyday in the morning, when you come home, and at night. There is no need to miss me. You have the priviledge and advantage of seeing me everyday because we're soon to be married and we have a beautiful son and we love each other. Also, you're the only one who can probably deal with my closest full of clothes with glitter and color"

They both chuckled and Alec nodded in agreement before smiling "You're right. I have the advantage and priviledge to see you every day, but I still miss you. I miss you being by my side and us teaching our class together. Thankfully though, we get to start that again today. So yes, I do have the priviledge and advantage of seeing you everyday and I'm going to cherish that...Just like I cherish you." Alec gripped Magnus's hand and smirked at the shocked and awe look on his face "Oh and I've been meaning to talk to you about your closest" Alec teased while Magnus lightly hit him on the shoulder.

"Way to ruin the moment." Magnus said, rolling his eyes and giving Alec a sweet kiss on the cheek.

As the light turned green again, they drove their way to school.

Magnus leaned back in the chair and looked straight ahead "What's going on with the Sebastian situation?"

Alec put the car in park and leaned back, looking at him "Nothing really. He's really good at music. Some of the kids actually like him. Rafael likes him a lot. He's always talking to him and they always seem to have their inside jokes you know?"

Magnus nodded "Well that's good. Maybe he really is changed for the better. It sounds like he's a changed person."

Alec sighed "Yeah, maybe you're right but..."

"Hey! No buts against my tuition." Magnus glared playfully, unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door.

Alec did the same and quickly got out of the car, beating Magnus to the punch and held his hand out for Magnus to take. Magnus softly smiled as he took Alec's hand and stepped out the car. The couple then walked hand in hand to the entrance of the school.

Magnus sighed calmly as he looked around at the hallway and spotted the teachers' lounge. They both walked in and Magnus was immdietately surrounded by other teachers, including Jace and Simon.

Alec stood back and watched as Magnus smiled and laughed with the teachers. He couldn't help but smile at the happiness that was just radiating from Magnus.



The teachers started to disperse and go back to their tables. Alec walked over to Magnus who was being hugged tightly by Jace. He took his hand and pulled him to one of the empty tables, Jace and Simon following behind.

"So how was your time off?" Simon asked.

Magnus shrugged "It was a bit boring but very relaxing and exciting."

"How's Max?" Jace asked.

Magnus smiled brightly "Max is doing just fine. During my time off, he was peaceful most of the time. Except for when he would need his diaper changed. Then he would cry out as loud as a siren. He's truly something."

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