Chapter 25

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Alec's Pov

After everything happened, I woke up in the hospital to see Izzy, Jace, Clary, Simon, and Asmodeus. I told them what happened and after that we got down to the police station where Luke was waiting for us.

"When you had first called me, you were saying something but then after that I heard a thud and I got worried. I knew something was wrong. Now tell me what happened." Luke said, leaning back in his chair.

I sat down and closed my eyes as the memories of what happened suddenly came back to me. Catarina calling me...Jonathan...Rafael being abused...Jonathan...Magnus and Rafael...Magnus being kidnapped...Jonathan...Rafael being kidnapped...Jonathan...Magnus...Jonathan...Rafael...

"MAGNUS!" I yelled.


"JONATHAN!" I yelled

Everyone flinched back from me yelling but then Izzy and Asmodeus came to my side, putting their hand on my shoulder.

I sat back more "He's the reason all of this was happening...Why Magnus always felt like someone was watching him...Why Rafael was absent for the last couple of days-"

"So then all those times we were at the mall" Clary pauses and looks at Izzy "Magnus did see something."

I frowned, looking at the two of them "What are you talking about? See what?"

Clary looked at Izzy, then back at me "Well we were eating at the food court when he froze and started looking at something in the distance and we heard him whisper...Rafael? I think that was the name...We looked to see two people in the distance but we couldn't pin point who they were. We asked him what was wrong and he said it was nothing so we just left it alone..."

"I'm just being told this NOW?" I exclaimed angrily.

Clary looked down, fiddling with her fingers. I shook my head, sighing "I'm sorry for yelling, it's just that all of this happening and now Magnus and Rafael are missing and I'm pretty sure this was the apart of Jonathan's plan."

"They were taken?" Asmodeus asked.

"Yeah, I was trying to go after them but then something hit me on the head and I couldn't get up. Eventually, I saw darkness." I started explaining to them looking up at Asmodeus, then turning back to face Luke "Magnus would freeze sometimes during class and just look out the window. I would ask him what's wrong and he would just shake it off as if nothing happened but he must of seen something or...someone and that someone was Jonathan."

A realization came to Izzy's head "When Magnus and I went shopping for more material for my fashion show and I found him crying in the bathroom...He told me he saw Jonathan which means that Jonathan must of said something to him. He must of threatened him."

"It sounds like Jonathan has been stalking Magnus." Simon spoke up "He's been everywhere that Magnus normally is. Jonathan has probably been watching Magnus, waiting for the perfect time to make his move and kidnap him."

"Do you think that Sebastian was apart of his plan?" Jace asked

"I mean he could've been. Everything really started to happen once he came." Simon said.

Luke sat up more in his seat "Wait...Sebastian Verlac?"

I nodded "Yeah why?"

"Sebastian is one of my best men! He told me he had an important and secret mission being deep undercover. He never told me what is was but he said that he would be undercover for a long time. He must have been undercover this whole time and it's been to get Jonathan Morgernstern." Luke explained.

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