Chapter 11

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4 weeks later

It was now tuesday and they were all in the teachers lounge for their lunch break...

"So I was right?"

"Yes Simon, for once you were right" Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist.

Simon smiled triumphantly "See, not everything I say is stupid."

"But your face is" Jace snickered.

"Your life is stupid! How about that?" Simon glared at Jace.

"Guys! Stop arguing! Every morning is the same thing." Alec hissed.

Magnus laughed "Yeah, you guys look like a married couple"

Jace's face scrunched "Ew"

"Yeah gross" Simon added, crossing his arms.

"Well like I was saying before you guys decided to act immature, I'm now 6 weeks pregnant. We're actually going to the hospital tomorrow to get an ultrasound and sonogram." Magnus explained as he rubbed his tum tum.

Alec pulled Magnus closer and kissed the side of his head "And hopefully, we'll also be able to find out the gender."

"Yeah and I think it's going to be a boy but Alexander thinks it's going to be a girl." Magnus booped Alec's nose.

"Well my Daddy intuition says it's going to be a girl." Alec smirked.

Magnus grinned, shaking his head "Yeah but my pregnant intuition says it's going to be a boy and my pregnant intuition beats your" He leaned closer to Alec's ear "Daddy intuition" He whispered.

Alec growled "Don't say Daddy like that unless you want me to take you to the bathroom and show you how much of a daddy I can be"

Magnus bit his lip, blushing while Alec smirked, knowing that because of the pregnancy, Magnus's sexual desires increased.

"Okay, no!" Jace shook his head "Whatever that is happening here has got to stop now or you need to at least take that somewhere else because this is not about to be a teachers lounge porn video." Some teachers snapped their heads towards Jace "Oh sorry. Must have said that too loud."

The teachers nodded and turned back around. Jace cleared his throat "Wow that was embrassing."

"Well you did that to yourself" Alec chuckled.

"Did you tell Izzy and Clary about your pregnancy?" Simon asked.

Magnus nodded "I told Izzy but I haven't got into contact yet with Clary. But Izzy, Clary, and I are going shopping so I'll tell her then."

"How did Izzy take it?" Jace asked.

Magnus smiled "Izzy's reaction...well..."

*Start of Flashbacks*

2 weeks before

"My dear Isabelle, i'm so glad you came" Magnus pulled Iz into a hug before guiding her to the living room.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss having brunch with my brother and brother-in-law. Congratulations on that again! Where is Alec?" Izzy exclaimed as she sat down.

Magnus giggled "Thank you Isabelle and he's in the room talking to someone from the DOE. Also, we really appreciated the scheme you pulled with the rings."

"Oh don't give me all the credit. You guys hid them in such easy access places. So you guys actually helped me do it." Izzy smirked.

Magnus shook his head, laughing "Well I guess we did." He smiled "But I do have something to tell you and I don't want you to freak out or-"

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