Chapter 6

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Magnus' eyes blinked as the sun shined through the light into the room. He stretched out and layed down on Alec's chest. He felt through Alec's chest hair as he remember about what went down last night and all he could do was smile. He then looked at his left hand and saw the ring on his finger. His smile brightened up even more.

Magnus was pulled out of thought by Alec who was looking down at him. He pushed himself up, looking at Alec "Did I wake you?"

"No. You didn't. I've been admiring you ever since you woke up from your sleep but you were too much in your thoughts to notice." Alec chuckled.

Magnus blushed "Oh well sorry. Good morning Alexander."

Alec smirked "Good morning to you too my beautiful Fianće"

Magnus pushed himself up, sitting up "Fianće...I like the sound of that"

Alec sat up as well "I like the sound of that also. But I love husband even more."

Magnus giggled softly "I definetly can't disagree with you on that one."

"When would you want to get married?" Alec asked.

"Um...Oh, we should have a June wedding!" Magnus said excitedly.

Alec tilted his head "Doesn't everyone have weddings in June?"

Magnus rolled his eyes "I mean yeah but our wedding won't be like everyone elses because we are the Lightwood-Banes! Besides, it's great weather in June" He smiled.

Alec rubbed his chin "Hmm...June is a good month when it comes down to weather and Lightwood-Bane?"

Magnus smile dropped "You don't like it?"

"No I don't like" Alec pushed the covers and got up from the bed, shaking his head. He then turned to Magnus and smiled "I love it"

Magnus sat up on the bed even more, smiling "Really?"

"Yes really" Alec grinned "Magnus Lightwood-Bane...Let's get married in June."

"Let's get married in June" Magnus whispered before getting out of bed and hugging Alec with all his strength. Alec returned the same action, kissing Magnus on the forehead.

Magnus looked up at him and puckered his lips which Alec immdietaely leaned into. Their kiss was sweet and soft and ew...

Magnus pulled back "Morning breath...We need to brush our teeth."

Alec chuckled "Yeah some more than others"

Magnus squinted at him "You know you really shouldn't talk about yourself like that darling."

"I-Wait...Hey!" Alec responded while Magnus smirked, putting on his robe and going to the bathroom.

He grabbed his sweats and put them on before joining Magnus in the bathroom. As he walked through, he stopped for a moment and observed Magnus. Gosh if Alec could get payed everytime he admired Magnus...He would be filthy stinking rich!

Magnus was scrubbing his teeth when he felt eyes on him. He looked at the mirror to see Alec staring at him. He blushed slightly and bent down, spitting out the toothpaste. He looked back towards the mirror and saw that Alec was still looking at him.

"Alexander?" Magnus grinned.

Alec shook his head "Yes?"

Magnus turned to him "Are you just going to stand there and drool or are you going to brush your teeth?"

"I just can't help it. You're just too beautiful" Alec muttered lowly.

Magnus chuckled "Well you're not so bad yourself."

Alec smirked "Well, how good am I?" He walked up to Magnus, trapping him against the sink.

"Well from 1-10, I would give you a solid 10." Magnus teased playfully.

Alec nodded "Well for you I would give you infinity."

"Infinity?" Magnus snorted.

Alec blushed slightly "Well yeah" his blush turned into a smirk "Because no number can match your beauty"

It was now Magnus's turn to blush "Oh Alexander...You have such a way with words, do you know that?"

"Well not to brag but...Yeah" Alec smirked triumphantly.

"And those words would be a whole lot better if you had nice breath to go with it." Magnus said and bursted out laughing, seeing Alec frown before he walked towards the sink.

Magnus leaned in, kissing Alec on the cheek "I still love you and your stink breath though."

Alec smiled "I love you too."

Magnus carressed his cheek and then pulled away, walking towards the shower. He took of his robe, hanging it on the bathroom hook.

He felt eyes on him again and looked back to see Alec staring at him once more.

"Maybe if you brush your teeth quicker, you'll be able to join me." Magnus smirked before stepping in the shower.

He turned on the shower and let the hot water cascade down his skin and got lost in the sensation and warmth of the water. He turned to face the shower wall and went to grab the sandalwood body wash.

"Don't worry, I'll do that for you." Magnus turned his head to see Alec already putting some of the body wash in his hand.

Magnus turned back "Did you brush your teeth-"

Alec pulled his head and kissed him. He kissed back and could taste the minty freshness of his breath. Alec pulled away smirking at the redness of Magnus' cheeks.

"U-um, okay you d-did brush your teeth" Magnus stuttered out.

With that Magnus turned back towards the shower wall and let Alec's hands soap him up. He noticed the way Alec's hands slowed down towards his hips and then gripped at his waist. Alec pulled him back and rubbed his hard on between his butt cheeks.

He immdietaely turned around, putting his hands on Alec's chest "Honey, not right now. After last night and then with the fact that we have work in about an hour...No."

Alec huffed out, grumpy. He then looked down at Magnus with puppy eyes.

"My weakness" Magnus muttered softly. "The answer is still no."


Magnus put his finger over Alec's mouth "The answer is still no because I have something else in mind." Magnus then smirked looking down at Alec's hard on "Something with more of a release."

Magnus slowly got down on his knees before looking up at Alec and winking "This is going to be fun."

"Wait M- OH GOSH MAGNUS!" Alec's eyes rolled to the back of his head as the sensation got more satisfying.

Looks like Magnus would be brushing his teeth again...

They were both out of the shower in 15 minutes and out of the house in 10 minutes.

Looks like they both got what they wanted.
End of Chapter 6

I hope you guys enjoyed it! I definetly enjoyed writing this chapter. I just feel like it was a really fluffy and cute chapter. Oh and I was going to have smut in this one but then I just decided to leave it as it was.

Again, I hope you enjoy it!


I would really appreciate it!

Well till next time,
TheBisexualGirl15💙💜💖IS OUTTT!!!

P.S. #saveshadowhunters!
Keep fighting guys!

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