Chapter 9

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Two weeks later
Magnus's Pov

" You should have went to your appointment this morning instead of coming to school." Alec opened the door for me as we walked into the teacher's lounge.

Magnus smiled "Thank you darling and...I didn't want to stay home. I want to see all my little butterflies."

"Well your butterflies can wait. You need to take care of yourself first." Alec stopped him, holding his hand.

Magnus smiled "And I am. That's why I'm going to the hospital today. So that whatever is going on can come to an end." I gripped Alec's hand and we walked over to the table where Simon and Jace sat.

"So Magnus how are you feeling?" Simon asked as we sat down.

I looked at Alec who lowkey stared at me before looking back at Simon "Honestly...I feel like shit with all the throwing up and stuff BUT whatever it is, today is going to be the end of it's reign over my body."

Alec sighed "I don't know...Something tells me that this is just the beginning." He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I mean, what could it possibly be though?" Jace asked folding his arms, leaned back on his chair.

I shrugged "I don't know. I've just been throwing up a lot."

"You know what it sounds like?" Simon pitched in.

Alec went straight-faced "What?"

"I know it might sound stupid but it sounds like Magnus is pregnant" Simon explained.

Alec gasped "You're right"

Simon smiled hopefully "Really?"

Alec nodded "Yeah" he went straight-faced again "That does sound stupid" I smacked his arm and he chuckled.

"That's a good theory simon but a man can't get pregnant." I tried to assure him.

Simon glared at Alec and looked at me "Yeah but your...How do I put this?" Simon sighed and continued "You know, you being trans and getting the surgery, wouldn't there be a possible chance that you might you know...Still be able to get pregnant? I'm sorry if I'm offending you. I didn't mean to-"

"Sherlock!" I cut him off "I know what you're trying to say okay? I'm not offended, but just to answer your question. No I still can't get pregnant. Actually because of the surgery, the answer is 100% no chance of me getting pregnant." I explained.

"Oh okay" Simon nodded.

"And next time, it would help to do some research before asking someone something that personal, Okay?" I let him know and he nodded once again.

I leaned back in my seat and watched as Simon and Jace fell into conversation. Alec leaned closer to me "Are you okay?" He whispered.

I smiled "Yeah. Why?"

"No I mean...I know that talking about this stuff might be a little personal for you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and didn't feel l-like you were invaded personally." Alec rubbed my arm in comfort.

I gently placed my hand on Alec's wrist, smiling "Alexander, I love how much you care but I'm fine. Really I am. I would rather have person not know or be curious and want to know than a person who thinks they know when they clearly have the wrong info. Do you get what I'm saying?"

Alec grinned "Yeah, I do."

"Okay" I whispered just as the bell ringed. We all said goodbye and got to our classrooms, starting the same routine over again.

Today's class was piano lessons which was led by Alec. I was sitting next to him, helping him with some of the keys when a feeling of nausea hit me but way worse than I've experienced so far.

I gripped onto Alec's shoulder, holding his stomach. He immdietaely stopped playing piano and turned towards me "Magnus, what's wrong?"

I looked up at him "I don't feel so good" At my words, the room started spinning slowly. The last thing I hear is Alec calling my name before blackness takes over.

My eyes slowly blinked opened. I look at my surroundings and I'm on a hospital bed.

"What is going on?" I asked.

Alec immdietaely sat up from his seat and took my hand, kissing it "I was so worried Magnus! You passed out and I didnt know what was going on. So I brought you to the hospital." I gasped when I saw the tears in his eyes "Oh Magnus, I was so scared."

I carressed his cheek "You were right. I should have went sooner. I'm sorry for making you worried and scared. I would never want to make you feel like that."

He smiled softly at me "Hey, don't apologize. All that matters is that you're awake and you seem okay."

"Yeah" I whispered, then kissing his cheek and leaning back.

"Catarina should be here any second. She just had to finish up with a patient and then she'll come here." Alec informed me.

A Few minutes Later...

"Magnus Bane, has Alec's cooking finally sent you to the hospital?" Catarina walked in.

"Hey!" Alec shouted.

I laughed "Not yet my dear Catarina. How have you been?"

Cat smiled "I've been good but by what I see on this clipboard you have not. But today we're going to see what it is and figure it out!"

"That sounds great! See Alexander I told you there was nothing to worry about." I smiled.

"Yeah" Catarina nodded "Um Alec can you wait outside for a bit? I have to talk to Magnus."

"Oh um" He looked at me and back at Cat "Okay" Alec kissed my hand gently and walked out of the room.

I looked at Cat who looked at me with this expression on his face "Catarina are you okay?"

She shook her head "Um yeah um..."

"Cat what is it? Whatever it is, you can tell me" I reassured her.

"Okay, Magnus I'm about to give you something. I don't want you to freak out or panic, Okay?" I nodded "It's just that with the symptons that you're having, I just want to be sure and be precautious, Okay?" I nodded once more before she handed the object to me.

'Life is about to hit you with one more surprise and it is a big one'

Margaret's words played through my head as I looked down at the object...

My eyes widened "A pregnancy test?"
End of Chapter 9!



Guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this!

I would really appreciate it because all of your opinions matter!

Well till next time,
TheBisexualGirl15💙💜💖IS OUTTT!!!

P.S. #saveshadowhunters Let's keep fighting guys!

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