Chapter 19

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"Y-your water broke..." Alec whispered in shock, looking at Magnus.

"Yes Alexander, it broke! Are you just gonna stand there!?" Magnus yelled, feeling the pain worsen.

Alec shaked his head and ran to Magnus, taking his hand "O-Okay come on....Wow, I just can't believe it's happening. I'm going to be a father. The baby is here. W-wow thi-"

"ALEXANDER!" Magnus cut off his rambling "If you don't get me to a hospital right now, I will have our baby here" He growled, panting "Please get me to a fucking hospital"

"Sorry, you're right! Come on" Alec apologized before grabbing his keys from the counter and went to pick Magnus up.

"Wait, I'm wet and heavy" Magnus pushed at Alec's chest.

Alec smiled "No...You're having our baby and you're not heavy...You're glowing"

Magnus blushed looking into Alec's eyes at what was just said "Oh Alexand-AHHHHH" He yelped in pain as the pains kept coming.

Alec kissed Magnus forehead "Okay, up you go!" Alec now lifted Magnus, up bridal style and carried him out the loft and to the car.

Alec set Magnus down in the backseat gently and made his way to the front seat and started the car up. He instantly took off and zoomed through the streets to the hospital. As he did, he kept his eyes on the road but glanced over at Magnus a few more times.

"It's okay Magnus...It's okay" Alec whispered as he smiled at Magnus who smiled at him. With that he made his way to hospital.
10:30 pm

Alec got out the car and held Magnus in his arms as he walked quickly to the hospital doors. Alec kicked the doors opened while Magnus was groaning in pain.

Alec looked around and spotted Catarina and yelled "CAT! HELP! HE'S IN LABOR!"

Cat's head snapped towards them and she came running instantly "Okay! You" She looked at another nurse "Get me Doctor Carstairs! Now!" And with that the nurse ran off to get him.

Cat got a wheelchair and Alec set Magnus down in it gently.

Magnus looked around, panting and held his stomach. He could faintly hear Cat yelling out words to other nurses while Alec held his hand, smiling tearfully. He could feel Cat pushing the wheelchair at a fast pace. He also saw Alec on the phone talking to someone.

He gripped at Alec's hand as they entered the hosptial room, where they then put him on the bed.

"Who...we're t-talking to?" Magnus asked weakly.

Alec kissed his forehead "I was talking to Izzy to let her know what was happening. She's going to let everyone know what's happening."

Magnus smiled "Okay, that's good-OH MAN THAT HURTS" He grunts in pain as the pain comes back 10 times harder.

Alec calls for Cat once more who runs in with Doctor Carstairs. They give orders to the nurses in the room to set up the tools needed for the c-section.

Doctor Carstairs comes and smiles down at Magnus "Hello Magnus, do you remember me?"

Magnus nodded "Of c-course I do doc"

"Okay, that's good" Jem smiles " We're setting the tools up now but you are just about ready to pop which is good. We just need to numb the part of your stomach that we're gonna end up taking the baby from, Okay?"

Magnus looks at Alec and back at Jem "O-Okay" He pants out. He grips onto Alec's hand, smiling at the loving and warm words that Alec is whispering into his ear.

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