Chapter 13

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11:23 a.m.

"This is Crazy and Unacceptable" Maryse let out frustrated, crossing her arms.

Asmodeus nodded "Yes I agree. I can't believe this."

Luke held Maryse' waist "Maryse-"

She held her hand up "No Lucian! I can't accept the fact that i'm just hearing about your pregnancy! I should have been the first to know!"

"Correction! WE should have been the first to know" Asmodeus added.

Alec and Magnus looked confused at how they both went back and forth. They had gotten to the house and were immdietaely welcomed with opened arms. They all sat down and talked for a little bit before Magnus told them the news...

And this is where they are now...

"Wait" Alec held his hand up "So you're okay with the pregnancy right?" He asked, just wanting to be sure.

Maryse smiled "Of course we are! This is amazing!" Maryse walked up to them, pulling them into a hug.

She pulled back, glaring "What we're not okay with is the fact that we weren't the first ones to know about your pregnancy and about the fact that we are going to be grandparents."

Asmodeus nodded "Yeah...I mean you could have at least sent a text or at least a call or something!"

"Guys, you can't get on them! This is their first kid. Life gets in the way when you have eventful things happen like this" Luke walked over to Alec patting his shoulder "Congratulations guys, I'm happy for you."

They looked at one another and back at Luke "Thanks Luke"

"Anytime" He smiled.

Maryse nodded "We're all really happy for you" She smiled, walking up to them "You guys have been through so much and you'll probably go through more in life but you guys always make it through and you come out stronger than ever." She turned to Magnus, tears in her eyes " have made Alec so happy. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you." She smiled at Alec before looking back at Magnus "And that's all a mother ever wants to see for her children. To see them happy...Thank you for loving my boy."

Magnus looked at Alexander and back at Maryse, smiling. Maryse pulled him into a warm hug. Alec smiled at the beautiful moment between his mom and his fiance. They stood there for a bit before pulling back.

Maryse wiped her tears, chuckling. She turned to Alec "Do anything to him and I will not hestitate to kill you."

Asmodeus came next to Maryse "I second that." He playfully glared at Alec, then turning to Magnus "My beautiful boy, I'm so happy for you guys."

Magnus smiled "Thanks Papa"

Asmodeus held his finger up "And remember what I told you. When the time is right, you'll know...And you knew..."

Magnus chuckled "Papa what is that suppos-"

"You'll know what I'm talking about soon enough..." Asmodeus sighed "So when are you due to have the baby?"

"Cat said that the earliest could be 5 to 6 months but for me she said that it would probably be 7 or 8 months due to the situation i'm in so" He shrugged, giggling.

Alec kissed Magnus hand "And we found out the gender. We're going to have a boy."

"Awwwww a baby boy! Im so happy for you!!!!" Asmodeus and Maryse weirdly both exclaimed at the same time.

Luke covered his ears at their loudness. He uncovered his ears and patted both their shoulders, gripping gently "Wow...That's amazing. Congratulations guys!"Luke's phone started buzzing. He looked at it and then back up "Well duty calls...well text..." Luke turned to Maryse "It's on that case about the missing child from the orphanage."

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