Chapter 5

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"So...Who's going to go first?" Magnus giggled, teary eyed.

"Well since I got on my knee first..." Alec trailed off, grinning proudly.

Magnus smiled, sitting back as Alec gripped his left hand.

"Magnus Bane...You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have been my best friend and my lover for 11 years. You were my boyfriend but hopefully after this...I'll be able to call you my husband. I hope you will give me the great opporitunity to call you my husband by doing me the honor of marrying me because I love you. We've been in love for so long and now I want to love you and spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to have kids and grow old and live the life we truly deserve together. Will you Magnus B-"

"Yes...Alexander yes!" Magnus whispered, smiling lovingly at Alec.

Alec kissed Magnus' hand and then slipped the ring on his finger. He kissed the ring finger and gripped onto Magnus's hand gently.

Magnus then held onto Alec's left hand and looked down at the box in his hand, then looking back at Alec "Oh gosh Um-" Magnus breathed out nervously "Alexander...You've made me so happy. You loved me and stuck with me no matter what. You were there for me and helped me when I needed you most and I know that you know that I would always be there for you no matter what. The love and bond that we have shared for the last 11 years is something that I wouldn't trade for the galaxy. I love you so much and im willing to love you even more, now and forever if you are willing to love me forever and seal this bond forever by marrying me" Magnus concluded gripping Alec's hand.

Alec smiled, teary eyed "Magnus...Nothing would make me happier. Of course I'll marry you."

Magnus giggled lightly, slipping the ring onto Alec's finger. He looked up at Alec who was already smiling at him with love and passion. He bit his lip in thought and smirked at what his thoughts resulted in.

Alec wrapped his arm around Magnus' waist, pulling Magnus into a loving and sweet kiss. A kiss that gave Magnus shivers yet made him feel so warm. Magnus responded, wrapping his arms around Alec's neck. Alec invaded Magnus's mouth with his tongue and felt around. The kiss soon turned heated and so did the atmosphere. Magnus pulled back, searching Alec's eyes. He then licked Alec's lips seductively before standing up.

Magnus smiled, blushing "Just give me 5 minutes." With that he ran out and left Alec curious and interested.

Alec looked down at the ring on his finger. He smiled and got up, cleaning things up.


Alec was done, wondering what Magnus was doing. It was over 5 minutes.

He walked in from the balcony, closing the doors. He then proceeded to walk to their room. He walked in and saw that everything looked the same.

"Magnus? Is everything okay?" Alec asked.

"Everything is just fine Alexander."

Alec turned towards the voice and his mouth dropped.

Magnus was wearing nothing but laced purple booty shorts and stockings. His eyes trailed over Magnus' body even more. His mouth watered as he saw the glitter-liquid type of substance over certain and sinful parts of Magnus's body. Alec's eyes then trailed up to his face and noticed that he wasn't wearing makeup.

Alec loved it when Magnus didn't wear makeup. Yeah Magnus was beautiful with makeup but without it...Magnus was even more beautiful than ever. Alec's eyes roamed over Magnus' body one more time before looking into Magnus' beautiful eyes.

"Beautiful" Alec whispered.

Magnus started pulling at his shorts and Alec got the idea, taking off his clothes. Alec watched as Magnus' shorts slowly slid down. Magnus stepped out of them and looked up at Alec, beckoning him with his eyes.

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