Chapter 18

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It was now middle of October.

Yep the month of Halloween and the month where fall truly blossom. Magnus and Alec were out on the balcony once again, sitting comfortably on the couch of the balcony.

Magnus leaned his back to Alec's chest, soaking up all the warmness. Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist, rubbing his tummy gently. He then snuggled his head onto Magnus' shoulder, basking in Magnus's sent.

They both observed the fall view of brooklyn, as the autumn wind blew through their hair.

Magnus was now about 5 months, maybe six. They weren't keeping up as much lately. Both of them had gone to a doctor's appointment the end of September and Cat said that the baby was healthy and that it could honestly come anytime in the next month or so they were more alert.

Especially around Liquids.

As Magnus thoughts started to take over, he remembered when Alec thought his water broke.


Magnus' POV

Wow. Ice cream and pickles oddly taste sherbert. If that makes sense. I know it doesn't but don't judge me...I'M PREGNANT!

Anyway, the pregnancy is going great but it can also be a kick in the stomach...Literally! This baby has kicked and punched. Looks like Alexander and I are going to have a very active baby on our hands.

Speaking of baby, Cat told us that the baby should be coming any time now. All we can do is wait! And that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to wait with my ice cream and bottle of water.

I got up and walked to the fridge and grabbed up a bottle of water before leaning against the island. I opened the bottle of water and a thought that I have been thinking for a while popped up.

'A name for the baby.'

Alexander had come up with some names like John and Justin and Alex Jr. or Magnus jr...I giggled a little before going back into thought.

I definetly had to talk to Alexander about it but I want the baby to be named after-

"Hey Magn-OH GOSH!"

I shook my head in fear and surprise. I looked down to see a little puddle of water on the floor. Ohhhhhhhh. My hand must have tilted a little from me being distracted within my own thoughts.

Kinda like I am now...

I shook my head again and turned around, chuckling lightly at how the situation looked "Alexander, it's just a little puddle of water."

Alec looked at me bugged eyed "Seriously Magnus? Your water just broke and you're calm!? I'm going to be a father! Wow this is happening. Okay. Breathe Alec. You've prepared and been ready for this day and now Magnus needs you-"

I glided across the room, cutting him off with a peck on the lips "Hey, it was just water...From a water bottle. My water did not break. Trust me if it did, I wouldn't have moved from where I stood. Just calm down, okay?"

Alec breathed out and nodded his head "Okay, I was just on guard you know? I mean we're going to have a boy and I just want to be the best father to him. Even when he's still in the wound."

I smiled at his careness and caressed his cheek "I know...And might I say that you are doing an amazing job with being a father to our baby. Even with him still being in the wound." Alec smiled back touching his forehead with mines.

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