Chapter 23

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As the bell rung for 1st period, the kids started spilling into the room as Magnus and Alec finished setting up. They had almost got here late because Max had been really picky with what he wanted to eat. Alec had tried to feed him blueberry baby food which was his favorite but Max wasn't even in the mood for that.

The battle of trying to figure out what Max wanted to eat went on for 30 mins until they started getting a hint of what he might want. Max kept pointing at Magnus's shirt and made grabby hands. Magnus and Alec were both confused at first but then Magnus realized what he had wanted. Magnus smiled, unbuttoning his shirt down to show his nipple and took Max into his arms. Max instantly attached to it and starting drinking from it. Alec just smiled at the sight of his Husband and son.

That's how their morning went, but they had made it to school just in time to set up their classroom. The bell rung and soon the kids spilled in. As they looked at the door where the students continued to walk in, there was no sign of Rafael...Again.

Magnus sighed, holding onto Alec's arm "Alexander, this is the 4th day in a row where Rafael hasn't been here. This is so unlike him. He loves coming to school. I'm really worried."

Alec nodded "I am too. We need to talk to the principal about this." He pulled out his phone and contacted Jace.

"Hey Jace, could you possibly watch our class for a second?" Alec asked.

"Yeah of course!" Jace responded.

"Thanks bro" Alec said before hangning up the phone.

Alec turned to Magnus "Okay, let's go." With that, they both walked out the class to see Jace walking to the class. They continued to walked to the principal's office and were soon sitting down in front of the principal explaining everything that has been going on with Rafael.


The principal told them that she would call Rafael's house to see what's happening.

"I really hope Raf is okay." Alec stated worried.

Magnus nodded sadly "I hope he is too. Where could he be?" He looked up at Alec with saddness in his eyes, Alec looking at him with the same expression as the walked down the hall.

'Where could you be Rafael? Please be alright'

It was a new day of class.

Alec and Magnus stared at that door again, hoping that a jumpy and smiling Rafael would come through their classroom door.

But he didn't...It's now been six days and he hasn't...

"Uncle Alec! Uncle Magnus!"

They both smiled and walked to the door "Madzie!" They hugged the little girl.

They both pulled back "How was vacation?" Magnus asked.

"It was amazing! I got a goldfish as a suvernior!" Madzie giggled, jumping up and down.

Alec grinned "That's awesome! Go take your seat kiddo!" Madzie ran off to her seat, sitting down.

Magnus smiled at Cat who had been behind Madzie "Catarina!" Cat smiled back at the both of them and hugged them before pulling back "Hey guys! How have you guys been? How's Max been doing?"

Magnus smiled "Our little blueberry is just fine! Our babysitter Dot is watching him today so he's in good hands."

"Let's just hope that Max doesn't get into the blueberry yogurt again because that was a mess." Alec chuckled.

"Well that sounds good...Have you found Rafael yet?"

"No" Alec responded.

"And we're really worried. It's been six days Cat" Magnus pleaded.

Cat sighed "That's bad. I'll keep an eye out incase I see something and I'll let you guys know. Now if you excuse me, it's time for me to get to the hospital." With that she walked away and they both closed the classroom door, starting class.

Another day of class...Without Rafael...


As they were about to dismiss the class, the door burst open and a teary Rafael was at the door.

"So class that's all-Rafael! Where have yo-Oh my gosh..." Magnus gasped at what he saw. He looked back at Alec who's face was shocked but his eyes held anger.

"Okay kids, that's all for today. It's an early dismissal everyone. See you tomorrow." Alec said quickly, signaling for Magnus to get Rafael.

Magnus nodded in understanding and quickly walked to Rafael, picking him up. He brought him to their desk and sat him down as the rest of the kids walked out, some of them whispering about Rafael.

"Oh Rafael...Who did this to you?" Magnus' eyes teared up as he looked at the boy in front of him who had a black eye and a cut lip.

Rafael shook his head "I'm sorry for being so late..."

Alec walked up to him and took Rafael's hand in his "Raf, that doesn't matter right now. Who did this to you?"

"It was m-my fault...I-I fell" Rafael whispered.

Magnus could hear Alec growling in the background out of anger. He step away from Rafael, turning towards Alec "Alexander, I know you're angry-"

"You got that right!" He yelled "You know what? Fuck angry, I'm FURIOUS! Who does something like this to a 9 year old!? Huh!? What kind of sick person-"

"Alexander stop it!" Magnus whispered angrily "I know you're furious. So am I! But that boy over there" He points to a crying Rafael "He doesn't need to be surrounded by anger...He needs to be surrounded by comfort and Let's save the anger and frustration for later and help him." Alec calmed down at Magnus' words.

They both turned back towards Rafael and walked up to him. Magnus sat next to him and held his hand "Rafael...Who did this to you?"

"I told you...I f-fell. You don't believe me?" Rafael looked at them both with hurt in his eyes.

Magnus looked up at Alec before looking back at Rafael "It's not that we don't believe you...It's just that...if someone did this to you Rafael...You have to let us know so that we can help you."

"Yeah Raf, you haven't shown up to school for 6 days and then you come to school with a cut on your lip and a black eye. If there is something going on at home, we just want you to be safe." Alec said, sitting on the other side of Rafael, also holding his hand.

Rafael looked at both of them, bursting into tears. They both embraced Rafael and rubbed his back, comforting him.

Rafael sniffled "I-I want to tell you...but h-he said I would get into t-trouble i-if I s-said anything."

"I'm gonna call Luke." Alec  whispered to Magnus.

Magnus looked at the clock and saw that it was now 2:49 pm. He nodded "I'm gonna take Rafael out for some fresh air." He pulled away from the boy "Would you like that?"

Rafael nodded and gripped more to Magnus' arm. Alec smiled at the two before getting up and pulling out his phone. Magnus helped Rafael off the desk and they walked outside...
Hey guys!

This is part one of the Craziness within the story!

Poor Rafael, what do you think happened!?

What do you think is going to happen!?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I would really appreciate it because all of your opinions matter!

Well till next time,
TheBisexualGirl15💙💜💖IS OUTTT!!!

P.S. #saveshadowhunters Let's keep fighting guys!
We can save our show!

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