Chapter 28

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I wrote most of this chapter while listening to 'Love' You don't have to listen to it while reading it but if you want to feel free! It is a beautiful song. I'll probably use it for the next chapter coming up as well😊 Enjoy!

Magnus' POV

I was waiting outside Alexander's hospital room. They had immediately rushed him in and told me to wait out here. My thoughts kept clashing in my mind.

'What if he's dead? What if they couldn't save him and they're just trying to find a way to tell me?'

'This is Alexander we're talking about. He's going to make it out! He is one of the strongest people I know.'

'But what if he's not strong enough this time?'

'Alexander has always been strong. Even when he's weakened, he still shows strength! He's gonna make it!'

'This is different though...'

'Alexander will make it! He's never given up and he won't now! He's going to fight it! He's going to make it'

'Okay. If you sa-'

"MAGNUS!" My thoughts stop as I look up to see Izzy running towards me. Alongside her is, Luke, Maryse, and Asmodeus.

Isabelle reached me first and took me by the shoulders, hugging me "Magnus. We heard about everything. My brother is tough. He's going to be fine." I smiled weakly and embraced her hug.

"Everything is going be okay Magnus. Trust me." Maryse said, joining in the hug. Soon everyone was in one big hug. Silence took over and we stood there in one big embrace.

Once we pulled away, we sat next to each other waiting for whatever comes next.

Luke turned towards me and spoke "Did you get checked up?"

I nodded "Yeah. They checked up on me about 20 mins before you guys got here. Just a few cuts and bruises here and there. I'm fine though."

Luke hummed at my response but then a thought popped up into my mind, "How's Rafael?"

"Rafael's okay! Isabelle and Simon took him to their place." Luke informed me.

Isabelle nodded "Yeah Clary, Jace, and Cat are also at our place helping Rafael get more comfortable."

I sighed "That's good! I'm just glad he's okay!"

"I am too. The situation with his parents is terrible though. We're most likely gonna have to put him in a foster home." I gasp at Luke's words as I started remembering the tragic situation.

"Rafael deserves a real home. He is such a wonderful child. He deserves better. He deserves a good home with people who love him." My words pouring out of my heart.

My father turns to me and smiles "Magnus...Why don't you and Alec adopt Rafael? You guys already treat him like a son. Why not just adopt him and officially make him your son?"

"You're right father! I could! I should! But I want to ask Alexander about it of course..." I sigh, remembering the situation we're in right now. My father senses it and responds to my emotions "Magnus, don't worry! Alec is strong! He will be perfectly fine and you'll be able to talk to him about adopting Rafael soon. I'm sure of it." He looks at me with reassurance in his eyes.

"I hope so dad" A small smile appears on my face. I look down and fiddle with my hand as time starts going by.

2 hours...

The door opens and the doctor comes out. We all stand up together and walk towards the doctor, stopping in front of him. The doctor looks at me with smile that I can't explain. It's a little too quiet so I break the silence.

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