Chapter 27

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Magnus's Pov

Two weeks later...

My eyes blinked open as I awoke from yet another painful slumber. I looked over to see Rafael sleeping soundly, his expression somehow calming and relaxed.

I sighed and looked around the room, noticing for like the 10th time that there were no windows. As I continued to look around, I must have been distracted because I soon saw Jonathan in my line of eye sight and flinch back.

"Rise and Shine Maggie" Jonathan muttered, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at the last part "My name is Magnus not Maggie. When are you going to stop with the childish behavior?"

Jonathan shrugged, bending down, his hand grabbing my chin and gripping at it "I rather quite enjoy messing with you..." He stopped mid sentence and just...stared at me.

I moved my head, trying to get my chin out of his grip but his grip only tightened "Stop staring at me like that"

"I'm sorry it's just that...I envy you. The life you have now. The people you share your life with. People caring for you and worrying about where you are. I wanted that type of life. I want the type of life where I could be who I was and not be judged all the time...But instead I got a drunk father who didn't give a shit about me and a mother who was taken from me when I was 8! You want to know the real reason I did all of this?" Jonathan asked me but I was too frozen and shocked to even reply, so he continued on "I did all of this because I liked you back in high school and watching for years now...I think I'm in love with you actually."

The last part truly woke me up and I pierced my eyes into him, glaring at him "Like...Love...LIKE!? LOVE!? THIS IS NOT LOVE! You're not in love with me...You seem to have some weird obession with me. Bullying me back in high school. Before the surgery and after the surgery. Assaulting me, now stalking and kidnapping me? If that is your own sick version of what love is then you're sicker that I thought. Love is when someone cares about another person deeply, physically, mentally, and emotionally. That's what I have with my friends and that's what I share with Alexander. My love, they deserve but don't deserve any of it! Don't mix up your madness with the word Love!" I growled, tears slowly building up in my eyes.

Jonathan continued to stare into my eyes, his hands now gripping harder at my chin and his free hand sliding up to my cheek "Oh Magnus...Why can't you just return my love? Why must you push me away?"

"Because you're crazy-" I muttered, a smack coming across my face.

Jonathan growled "I'm not crazy! When I want something, I get it!" I could feel Jonathan's hand move down to my shirt as he ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere.

I tensed up as I could feel Jonathan's mouth over my nipples and I started shaking, flashbacks coming back to me from high school "No...Please no! Stop!"

His hand squeezed my butt as he continued to violate my chest. I looked over at Rafael, glad to see him sleeping because I didn't want him to see any of this.

Tears started running down my face as he started to kiss his way up my neck and somehow got his hand into my pants "GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF! DON'T TOUCH ME!"

Jonathan smirked against my neck and bit hard at it, drawing some blood. I hissed at the pain of the bite and squirmed more. He then licked up the blood and continued his sickening actions. I was able to lift up some of my leg and kick him close to his crotch area. He stumbled back before coming back, slapping me in the face...again.

My face flew to the side and as it did, I could see the Rafael was slowly waking up...He couldn't see this...I didn't want him seeing this.

"Jonathan p-please...Rafael he's...he's waking up. D-don't do this infront of him." I stuttered just as Rafael made his wokeness know "Magnus, what's happening?"

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