Chapter 24

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"Where were you all day? If you don't mind me asking..." Magnus asked as him and Rafael sat outside on the school steps.

Rafael fiddled with his fingers "I was at the doctor's office. He took me after...after I f-fell."

Alec's Pov

As I dial the number to call Luke, another number pops up on the screen.

"Hey Catarina" I answered.

"Hey, did Rafael come to school today?" She asked in a rush.

"Yeah he did but he has a black ey-"

"Yeah I know that already-"

"Wait how do you know?" I asked.

"That's what I was about to explain to you!" She sighed "Rafael came to the hospital today."

"By himself?" I asked.

"No...With Jonathan. Jonathan Morgenstern. I didn't want to suspect anything at first but with the way I saw how Jonathan handled him and the way he talked to Rafael" She seemed to cut herself off "Did Rafael say he fell?"

"Yeah but Magnus and I didn't believe him." I muttered.

"Well good, because Rafael didn't fall. Jonathan has been abusing him. I checked up on Rafael more and found brusises on his ribcage and some on his back. He's almost like Jonathan's personal punching bag. Alec, this boy needs help."

"I know Catarina...Thank you...For letting me know. I will be forever grateful."

"You're welcome. Now go tell Magnus!" She said before hanging up on me.

I started walking to get to Magnus while dialing Luke's number when I heard someone shouting outside. I started running when I soon realized that it was Rafael's voice I heard.

A few minutes earlier...

Magnus's Pov

I watched as Rafael fiddled with his fingers "I was at the doctor's office. He took me after...after I f-fell."

I nodded but sighed and turned to him "Rafael be honest with me please...Did you really fall?"

Rafael tensed up and I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

"Rafael just forget that-" I started saying but was cut off.

"I fell...because he pushed me..."

I tried to be as calm with my questions as I could "And why did he push you?"

"Because he can..." Rafael looked down.

"Does he do this to you often?" I whispered.

Rafael tried to answer but he just nodded.

I sniffled and shook my head "I'm so sorry Rafael. You don't deserve this. You deserve bett-AHHHHH!"

I was cut off by a piece of cloth like material being put over my mouth. There must have been sometype of chemical in it because the next thing I knew...

I was being carried to a car or that's what I think it was. My vision was starting to go black. I felt something being put on a seat and feeling something being taken from me. I could also see someone carrying Rafael who was screaming and kicking to someone who was still by the steps of the school. I couldn't point out who because everything was already black...

"I've got you now BANE!"
Alec's Pov

I ran out of the school to see two people dressed in all black.

One of them had a kicking and screaming Raf in their arms and the other one had my husband who was now passed out from the cloth covering his mouth.

I started to run towards them but soon felt a pain in the back of my head. Next thing I knew, I was flat on the ground, watching as heels were running away.

"Alec? Alec what's the problem?"

I squinted, trying to control the pain "L-Luke?"

"Yeah! Alec? Alec? Where are you? Alec...."

Everything went black...
Magnus's Pov

I blinked constantly as I started to wake up. As I looked around, I see  pipes and a door. I also see a pole with a somebody handcuffed to it.

My eyes widened "Rafael? Rafael, are you okay?" I tried to get to him but I soon realized that I had been tied up to a pole as well.

I sighed and looked around the room more to see a broken down bed and no windows...

"M-Magnus" I looked to my side to see Rafael waking up.

"Rafael, are you alright?" I asked worried.

He nodded "I'm fine Magnus. Where are we?"

"It seems like we're in a basement." I noted, looking around.

"I'm...I-I'm scared Magnus." Rafael   was shaking.

I smiled sadly "I know Rafael but people will come looking for us and trust me. We will get out of here, even if it means getting my hands dirty. We will get out of here together...Okay?"

Rafael hestitanly nodded "Okay"

I was trying to reassure Rafael...but also myself. 'We'll get out of here. We'll find out who's behind this and get out of here' I thought to myself as minutes went by.
Hey guys!

This is part two of the Craziness within the story!

What the hell is happening!? Who took Magnus and Rafael!?
Who did that to Alec!?

What do you think is going to happen!?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I would really appreciate it because all of your opinions matter!

Well till next time,
TheBisexualGirl15💙💜💖IS OUTTT!!!

P.S. #saveshadowhunters Let's keep fighting guys!
We can save our show!

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