Chapter 17

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"Alexander" Magnus purred seductively.

Alec chuckled and sat on the bed, putting his shoes on "Magnus, we're not doing this again. I have to get to work."

Magnus crawled to Alec's sitting figure, wrapping his arms around his neck and leaning into his back "I don't know what you mean Alexander."

Alec looked over his shoulder "Oh you know what I'm talking about Magnus."

Ever since the 4th month of Magnus's Pregnancy, he tends to get horny a lot...

Magnus pouted, sitting back on his ankles "Well can you blame me? I'm pregnant and horny Alexander" He leaned forward, his breath hitting Alec's ear "I need daddy's dick."

Magnus smiled in victory as Alec's body was now gently on top of his, staring at him with a lustful look. They both started to lean in, their breathes tangling closer together but Alec turned his cheek which resulted into Magnus kissing his cheek.

Magnus giggled "Hey! That's not fair. I love your cheeks but you know I love your lips even more."

Alec grinned "Is that right?"

"Yes it is" Magnus pulled Alec closer to him "But do you know one of the parts I love the most?"

Alec rubbed his chin. "Hmm, I don't know...what?"

Magnus slowly trailed his hand down Alec's abs and onto his jeans where Alec's now present hard on was. He rubbed it slightly, giggling at the way Alec lustfully growled constantly.

"Does Daddy need attention?" Magnus whispered.

Alec shrugs "You're the one that really needed attention but if you really love my dick" He leaned closer "Then prove it"

With that Alec stood up a little bit away from the bed, his straining cock against his jeans. Magnus got up and sat at the edge of the bed, his face directly infront of Alec's penis. He unbuttoned the pants slowly and unzipped them, pulling them down.

Alec breath became a little heavier as Magnus continued. He stepped out of his jeans and looked down at Magnus who used his mouth to pull his underwear off. Alec's long hard on smacked his stomach before bouncing back down in front of Magnus's face.

Alec gasped as Magnus proceeded to kiss the tip and then instantly take him into his mouth. Magnus bobbed his head up and down, each motion becoming faster. Alec groaned gripping onto Magnus' hair as he started deepthroating him.

Alec growled, throwing his head back "Magnus, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that."

Magnus sucked and bobbed his head a bit more before pulling off with a pop "And we wouldn't want that just yet now would we?"

"No we would-What are you doing?" Alec asked as Magnus pushed him back on the bed.

Magnus put a finger up to his lips "Shhhhh...Just enjoy the show."

Alec sat back against the head board, arms crossed behind his head. Magnus slid off the bed, taking off all his clothes off seductively. He then walked to the drawer, pulling out lube. He poured some on his finger, and put the bottle on the table.

Magnus walked back to the bed and crawled in front of Alec. He turned his back to Alec and rubbed his already wet hole. He slowly pushed his fingers in and out, biting his lips. A tiny moan started out of his mouth as he continued to finger himself.

Alec sat back, jacking off slowly at the sight in front of him and the sounds that Magnus was making. It was like music to his ears. The way Magnus fingers got lost in between those beautiful globes of his. He just wanted to take a bite out of them.

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