Chapter 14

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"Alexander...that's sounds highly suspicious."

"I know it does...that's why I'm gonna talk to Luke about it soon" Alec sighed.

It was morning and the lovely couple was having breakfast. Alec decided to tell Magnus about the talk him and rafael had.

"Are you sure you don't want me there at school today?" Magnus asked concerned.

Alec smiled at Magnus's concern and careness "I'm sure. Trust me Magnus."

"But maybe I can just pop in for maybe a few minutes, you know?" Magnus said persuasively.

Alec grabbed his hand "Or you can go shopping with Izzy and Clary and catch up and have some fun. Oh and also be updated with the newest fashion trends."

Magnus bit his lip in thought "Yeah...we haven't gone shopping together in so long. Oh and I don't have to worry about being updated for the newest fashion trends because the boss of 'Just so Iz' just happens to be my sister-in-law and that is the new fashion trend." Magnus smirked, crossing his legs the best way he could. Alec grinned at how Magnus was glowing just sitting there. He could look at Magnus forever. "But Alexander...Are you sure you don't need me there today? I could just pop in a few minutes and just talk to Rafael or just kind of be there to help you with rafael..."

Alec kissed Magnus' hand gently "I'm sure Magnus." Magnus smiled and Alec just observed the beauty and glow of him once more "Magnus...You're so beautiful"

Magnus's smiled widened, a blush rising slowly in his cheeks. Even 10 years later and Alec can still make him a cherry tomato "Thank you Alexander..." Magnus looked up at Alec, with a smoldering look "It's the pregnancy, really gives me that glow, you know?" He smiles, making Alec's heart jump.

Alec kissed Magnus' forehead, then looking into his eyes "Yeah you do have the pregnancy glow but...You have what, you have your own glow and it is beautiful. You're beautiful."

Magnus licked his lips "Alexander...You countinue to amaze me"

"In good ways I hope" Alec smirked, leaning closer to Magnus.

Magnus started leaning in as well. Alec puckered his lips, only to taste something sweet. He opened his eyes to a piece of french toast on his lips. Magnus threw his head back in laughter at his expression.

Alec shook his head, biting the french toast. Magnus pouted playfully "You want a kiss?"

"I do" Alec muttered with his sexy voice. Magnus moaned at his tone and slipped into his lap, licking at Alec's lips teasingly before kissing him fully.

Alec gripped at Magnus' hips, pulling him fully into into him as they continued to make out.
Magnus's Pov

I was in front of the mall when I heard two familiar screams.

"MAGNUS!" I turned to see Isabelle and Clary speed walking to me.

I smiled walking up to them "Hello Isabelle" I hugged her and turned to Clary, pulling her into a bear hug "BISCUIT! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG! I MISSED YOU"


"You're back in New York for good right?" I asked, pulling away.

She nodded, smiling "Yeah! I finished up my art job in LA. So I'm only planning on doing art jobs in New York for a while."

"That's great" Isabelle smiled and I nodded.

"Yeah but not as great as your engagement and pregnancy! Congratulations! You're glowing" She squealed.

I raised my eyebrow, looking over at Isabelle. She scratched the back of her neck " Yeah I kind of told her as we were walking here...It kind of slipped out but didn't but then it did..."

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