Chapter 7

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They pulled up in front of the school. Magnus parked the car and got out while Alec got out of the passengers side.

"I still don't get why we didn't just use my motorcycle today. It would have gotten us here faster." Alec complained.

Magnus rolled his eyes "Alexander, leathy is getting quiet old don't you think? Besides we have time. It's only 7:50. We have 20 to 30 minutes before school starts."

Alec huffed while Magnus smiled triumphantly as they walked into the school. They got to the office and took their card out, checking in. They then put them back in the slots and walked to the teachers lounge.

There were a few teachers in there including Simon and Jace. Simon saw them and waved. They walked to where they were and sat down.

"Hey guys!" Simon greeted.

"Hey Simon" Alec greeted back.

"Hello sherman" Magnus responded back.

"Seriously Magnus? Sherman?" Simon squinted.

Magnus nodded "Sorry Sherry"

"It's Si-"

Jace cut Simon off, sitting up "Okay anyway. By those two rings on each of your fingers I would say that the proposal went well..."

Alec smiled and held Magnus' hand in his "Yeah it did"

Magnus gripped onto his hand "Yeah, unexpected things happened but everything came out perfect in the end."

"What unexpected things happened?" Simon asked.

"Well we kind of both ended up proposing to each other." Alec answered.

"And somehow, your dear Isabelle was able to switch our rings. So we ended up proposing to each other with the rings that the other person bought...I hope that makes sense." Magnus chuckled.

Simon chuckled, smiling "That's Izzy for you. So kind yet so clever and sneaky. It's one of the reasons why I love her."

"Awwwww" Magnus cooed.

"Yeah and it's also the reason why when I wanted to propose to her, I had to hide the box in my drawer of star wars underwear." Simon chuckled.

Jace chuckled "Yeah, Izzy is very good at that. Im surprised she hasn't found your dignity yet. Oh wait you can't cause it doesn't exist. I mean come on man, star wars underwear."

Simon sighed "Nice one Jace. Real nice. Anyway, they're really cool. I have one where it says "I'm am your father!" all across the front of it."

"Um-" Alec cleared his throat "Simon...way too much information. That stays in your house. Okay?" Simon nodded "Okay and now you need to stop talking." Alec concluded.

"You're right" Simon agreed going quite.

"Let's just drift off from that dreadful conversation" Jace started "So when are you planning to have the wedding?"

Alec and Magnus looked at each other. Alec nodded to Magnus and Magnus smiled looking at them " We're planning to have a June wedding."

"Doesn't everyone have a June wedding?" Simon asked.

"Yes they do but we're not like everyone else." Alec smirked "We're the Lightwood-Banes"

Magnus smiled leaning into Alec "Yeah we are" He pecked Alec on the lips, ignoring the fake gagging jace started doing.

"Awwww" Jace spoke "You guys are disgustingly cute."

"Thanks Blondie." Magnus voiced out with sarcasm.

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