Chapter 12

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"Magnus come on. I did not call the school to say that i'm coming to work later just for you not wanting to get out of bed." Alec gripped onto Magnus' hands before pulling him up.

Magnus let his body start to sink down to the floor. Alec shook his head "Oh no you don't" He held Magnus up and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Alexanderrrrr" Slurred tiredly "What time is it?"

Alec looked at the alarm clock "It's  7:10 am and your appointment is for 8:00."

Magnus sighed "Alexander can't I just sleep for a few more minutes! Ughhhhhh!" He started snuggling into Alec's chest "Mmmmm You're warm. Like really warm...and comfortable...and snu..." Magnus drifted off into sleep once more.

Alec rolled his eyes before an idea popped into his head. He gently picked Magnus up bridal style and walked to the bathroom. Alec was grateful that Magnus was only wearing underwear. It would make what he was about to do a lot less cruel.

He put Magnus down on the counter and turned on the shower. He picked Magnus up once more and walked into the shower, closing the curtain.

He stood there for a second, admiring Magnus. How those beautiful long lashes shadowed on his beautiful skin. How his pink lips opened partly as he slept. Beautiful....


Magnus' head shot up only to be drenched in water "Ahhhhhhhhh! Alexander I'm gonna kill you."

Magnus jumped from his arms, only to slip. Alec caught him by the hands and pulled him into hix chest "Hey, you wouldn't wake up and you're heavy sleeper. How else was I suppose to wake you?" Alec smirked.

Magnus squinted "I don't know, maybe with a kiss on the lips or neck kisses, a massage or maybe even a nice blow-You know what, I'm not gonna finish that but you don't wake up your fiance by drenching him in water with his underwear on." Magnus got out the shower and took off his soaking underwear.

Alec sighed "I'm sorry Magnus but-"

"No! I don't want to hear it!" He then stomped back into the shower and glared at Alec before turning his back towards him "Drench your fiance in water...Just to wake him up...Ha!...Well looks like someone isn't getting any today..." Magnus mumbled.

Alec wrapped his arms gently around Magnus' waist. Magnus began to protest but soon gave up, leaning back on him. He grinned and leaned close to Magnus' ear "I'm sorry beautiful but you're getting an ultrasound." He started tickling Magnus' stomach "And we might even be finding out the gender of the baby today."

Magnus giggled, smiling softly "Yeah I know and I'm happy too. We've been looking forward to this day...I'm still mad at you though."

"Well" Alec planted a light kiss on his neck "What can I do to show you how truly sorry I am?" He continued littering Magnus' neck with kisses "Hmmm?" He asked teasingly.

"If you think that the neck kisses are gonna work...then you are right." Magnus giggled, a small smile then appearing on his face "Okay you're forgiven but after the appointment, you're buying us Ice cream!"

Alec chuckled "Okay but there is just one thing we forgot." Magnus turned to him "We have to tell our  parents about the pregnancy today."

Magnus eyes widened "Oh yeah we do" He smiled "And then we'll go out for ice cream"

Alec laughed, grabbing the soap. He was about to put some on himself when Magnus grabbed it out of his hand and started soaping him up. Magnus ran his soapy hands over Alec's chest slowly before looking up at him "Alexander...I don't think I told you to stop kissing my neck...Did I?"

Alec smirked, pulling Magnus against him " didn't"

He ran his nose against Magnus' neck, inhaling the sandalwood scent. He loved the way Magnus would shiver whenever he would kiss his neck.

All in all...

That shower took longer than expected.

They got to the hospital at 8:00 on the dot and were now in the hosptial room with Cat.

"Okay Magnus, I need you to lie back on the bed." Cat informed him.

He slowly lied back and reached his hand out for Alec's. Alec took it, rubbing Magnus's hand gently.
While Cat was setting up, Alec leaned over to Magnus "So still think it's going to be a boy?"

Magnus grinned "Yes because my intuition is stronger than yours"

Alec kissed his forehead before sitting back in the chair. Cat pulled her gloves on and fixed the sonogram.

She smiled, turning back towards them "The gel might feel a little cold on your stomach." She started moving the gel stick around his belly.

She pointed up to the screen so that they could see what was happening. As she did, they saw a little figure. It twitched once but that was about it. Tears gathered in both of their eyes as they witnessed this.

"That's our baby Alexander...That's ours." Magnus whispered.

Alec smiled, teary "It is Magnus. It is." He kissed Magnus' hand.

"It is your baby" Cat smiled "And might I add boy to baby. You guys are having a baby boy!"

Magnus gasped "We're going to have a baby boy" A sly smirk appeared on his face "See! My intuition will always be stronger than yours. HA!"

"Yeah...I was wrong..." Alec smiled " We're going to have a baby boy"

Magnus giggled, leaning his forehead against Alec's "You're going to be the best daddy ever"

"I hope so" Alec whispered, his lips touching Magnus's.

Magnus pecked his lips lovingly a few times before pulling away. They got lost in each other's eyes, smiling. A sound of someone clearing their throat was heard and the couple turned towards a smirking Cat.

"Sorry Cat..." Magnus blushed.

Cat laughed "It's okay. Everything is perfectly fine with your baby boy. I just wanted to let you guys know that your next appointment is in 2 months and that i'm happy for you. Oh and you can leave now." She smiled, taking off her gloves.

"Thank you Catarina." They both said.

Cat nodded "You're welcome. I'm a doctor...That's what I do."

"And you do it well!" Magnus cheered, getting up off the bed with Alec's help.

"Bye guys" She waved as they walked out. They waved back and headed down to the car.

Alec slid into the driver's seat "Okay now onto my mom's house. Did you call asmodeus?"

"Yeah. Asmodeus and Luke should be there already..." Magnus sighed "I hope everything turns out okay."

Alec put his hand over Magnus' as he pulled out of the parking lot "Im sure everything will be fine." Magnus smiled, leaning back in his seat and looking out the window as the world went by.

Alec's words went over his head once more "I'm sure everything will be fine."
End of Chapter 12!

I hope you guys enjoyed this!

They're about to tell their parents...How do you think that will turn out?
You'll find out in the next chapter!

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Well till next time,
TheBisexualGirl15 is OUTTTTT💙💜💖

P.S. #saveshadowhunters
We can save our show!

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