Chapter 4

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They panted as they both came from their highs. Magnus smiled, rotating his hips before sitting up. He then smirked, tightening himself around Alec.

Alec growled, gripping Magnus' hips "Unless you want round two, I suggest you stop"

"Well I wouldn't mind round two..." Magnus smirked.

"I wouldn't mind that either but it's already 11:00 and I have things planned for us today" Alec sat up, wrapping his arms around Magnus' waist.

"Oh you do?" Magnus asked.

Alec smirked "Yeah I the way...Happy Anniversary Magnus"

Magnus blushed slightly "Happy Anniversary Alexander"

"Thats the best morning sex I've ever had" Alec grinned as he pecked one of Magnus' sensitive spots on his neck.

"Yeah-OH!" Magnus gasped as Alec made his way off the bed with him still in Alec's arms.

"Alexander wait!" Magnus urgently said.

Alec looked at him worried "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Magnus shook his head "Of course not"

"Then what's wrong?" Alec asked.

Magnus blushed before leaning in towards his ear "You're still in me"

Alec look confused but realization soon hit his face and he sat down. Magnus got the hint and slowly rose off of Alec. He then bit his lip and held out his hand to Alec who took and pulled him into the bathroom.

Magnus pulled him into a heated kiss and rubbed at his shaft.

"Morning sex and now bathroom sex...This anniversary will truly be something." Alec smirked as Magnus pulled him into the shower.

Look's like round 2 was a go!

They both got out the shower and  got dressed. Magnus wore skinny jeans with a nice flower sequenced shirt. He had light purple and blue eyeshadow with a pink eyeliner. Alec wore a nice black buttoned down shirt with black jeans. Magnus looked over his outfit and smiled. Alec looked over at him and admired how beautiful he was.

Magnus looked over and blushed when seeing Alec look at him "Stop looking at me like that."

Alec smirked "Never"

Magnus opened the draw and was about to take something out when Alec pulled him close.

Alec smiled "This is going to be a day to remember"

"Yeah" Magnus smiled, putting his hand on Alec's cheek "It is"

Magnus pulled away and closed his drawer back. Alec was on the other side checking for something.

"Is everything okay?" Magnus asked.

Alec looked up "Um...Yeah, everything is fine" He then proceeded to push his draw closed and opened the door for Magnus "Shall we start our day?"

Magnus walked up to Alec and pecked his lips "We shall"

They walked out and got their jackets and grabbed their wallets. With that they walked out of the apartment and onto the sidewalks of brooklyn.

Alec looked around before smiling while Magnus stood their wide eyed. On Alec's motorcycle was a bouquet of roses. He walked to his cycle and picked them up and handed them to Magnus.

Magnus sniffed them and smiled "These are beautiful Alexander"

"Im glad you like them Magnus" Alec said.

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