Chapter 30

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Third Person POV

It's been 1 month and 3 weeks since Alec was released from the hospital after waking up from the coma. Weeks of spending time at home with Max and Magnus. Weeks of them talking about adopting Rafael and getting prepared for the adoption agent to come to their home.

Today was a very special day.

Not only was it the day that the adoption agent would be coming to inspect their home. It was also back to school for Alec. The first day back to teaching.

Alec had missed the kids and Magnus knew how much he missed the kids.

"I know you're really excited to see the kids Alexander but you have to eat something." Magnus stated, trying to reason with an excited Alec.

Alec turned towards Magnus sighing "I know but I'm so excited! I haven't seen the kids in 2 months, probably more. Do you think they miss me?"

Magnus chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around Alec's neck "Alexander" he looked up at Alec "I've told you over and over again that they miss you so much. Trust me. While you were in a coma, they kept asking 'Where's Mr.Lightwood' 'When is Mr.Alec coming back'. They miss you. We all did. Now you're back and I'm telling you...They're going to scream with joy when they see you."

"Okay. I'll eat but we can just get food on the way and eat during the 10 min bell before school starts." Alec suggested and Magnus nodded, letting out a soft 'Okay'.

They got their things and left. When they got to school, they both got bagels with cream cheese and bacon. As soon as they walked in, the security guards greeted Alec, telling him 'Welcome back' and greeted Magnus as well. When they walked into the teacher's lounge, all the teachers in their welcomed Alec back and started making conversation with the both of them. Alec and Magnus sat down on one of the couches in the teacher lounge and ate their breakfast.

Once they were finished, they threw out their garbage and walked to their classroom hand in hand.  As they set up the classroom, the bell rung, letting them know that the kids would be here soon. They finished and got to their positions. Magnus waiting for the kids at the door and Alec sitting on the stool with his guitar in hand. Alec's eyes litt up as he saw some of the kids and their parent(s) at the door. Magnus greeted them with hugs and smiles and also made a little bit of conversation with the parents. As the kids started coming in the looked to where Alec was and immediately ran over.


The kids shouted as they ran to him. Alec put his guitar down and opened his arms to the kids as he embraced them with the biggest smile. Magnus looked towards the scene before him with such a warming smile. Some of the parents waved and greeted Alec back. The bell rung again and the kids took their seats, faces filled with excitement.

Magnus and Alec walked to the center of the classroom and smiled at each other. Magnus stepped up first and said "Good morning class! Mr.Lightwood is back with us!" Cheers irrupted and quieted down when it was time for Alec to speak.

"I am back and I missed you all so much! Are we ready for a fun class day today!!!!" Cheers of "YES" I erupted once more.

"Okay! Let's get class started then!" Alec and Magnus exclaimed in Unison.
"Today was an amazing day back!" Alec expressed, opening the door to their home.

Magnus smiled "Yeah and didn't I tell you that the kids missed you. Everyone pretty much did"

Alec closed the door, locking it and sighed "I know but what if they had forgotten about me"

Magnus walked up to Alec, gripping his hands warmly, "They would never. You have been such a joy in people's lives and have helped those kids so much. Trust me, you wouldn't have been forgotten. They love you. I love you" Magnus moved his hands up to Alec's neck and pulled him down for a gentle kiss. Alec responded back and deepened the kiss, gripping Magnus' side softly. They pulled away and rested their foreheads on one another.

"What time is it?" Magnus asked suddenly. Alec pulled away and checked the time on his phone and with that his eyes widened. He showed Magnus and his eyes widened as well.

"THE ADOPTION AGENT WILL BE HERE IN 30 MINUTES WITH RAFAEL!" Even though their home was clean, there were some things they had to Tidy up. They immediately got to work, fixing things up. Thank gosh their parents were babysitting Max today.

30 Minutes later...

They walked towards the door as the bell rung, excitement and nervousness flowing through their bodies. They took a deep breathe and looked at each other once more before opening the door.

"Hello Mr and Mr.Lightwood-Bane. I'm Erza, the adopting agent and I'm here with Rafael" The agent introduce herself and Rafael, who smiled up at them waving.

"Hello Ms.Erza! Welcome to our home" They welcomed Mr.Erza and Rafael in.
"I know Rafael better than almost anyone. I have been through a lot with this precious boy and I will always protect, love, and guide him. We will protect, love, and guide him." Magnus said teary eyed.

Alec rubbed Magnus's back and continued "We can and will give Rafael a very loving, safe, and expressive home. We would love and be honored to call Rafael our son. Rafael Lightwood-Bane has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

"It does!" Rafael Exclaimed.

After 2 hours of conversing and speaking on how much they would love to adopt Rafael and Ms.Erza inspecting their home, a decision had finally been made.

The papers were laid out in front of them as they read and signed. They handed her the papers back and she smiled taking them. They walked her to the door and opened it for her.

"Thank you so much Ms.Erza" They said in Unison.

"No thanks needed" Ms.Erza voiced. She bent down to Rafael. "I'm so happy for you Rafael. You're in good hands!" She got back up and looked at Magnus and Alec "Congratulations on your adoption."And with that, Ms.Erza was gone and Rafael was an official Lightwood-Bane.

Magnus and Alec bent down to Rafael's level and they all embraced each other in one big, warming, and heartfelt hug. The Lightwood-Bane family was now a family of 4.

"We love you Son" They whispered to Rafael.

"I love you too Dad and Papa" Rafael whispered back.
Sorry if the process seemed a lot more rushed, I tried to be as accurate but quick with the process as I could.

The Lightwood-Bane family is finally complete!

I've been thinking about this chapter for the longest time and now I've finally wrote it! It took me a while because I kept getting writers block!

This is the last chapter before the epilouge! It's been a fun journey with this story and I'm sad to see it go but also proud of this long short story series.

I hope you enjoyed it though!
Let me know what you think!

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments!

Let me say one more thing...
DONALD TRUMP IS FINALLY OUT OF OFFICE! BYE BYE TRUMP!  The US can breathe for a little bit now!

I love you all and I hope you have a good day or night (Based on where you are)

TheBisexualGirl18 is OUT!

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