Chapter 21

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"This material would look so great with my all weather leather heeled boots." Izzy squealed as she picked up the leathery material.

I looked at her in curiousity "Since when were you making all weather heeled boots?" I asked.

She shrugged "You can be warm and still fashionable."

"Are they high heels or low heels?" I looked at her hoping she would say low heels. Who wears high heels in the snow?

Isabelle laughed and shook her head "Low heels of course! Magnus, I'm not an idiot. I don't want people wearing my product and then suing me for my creations because they're dangerous."

I nodded in agreement and snickered "Yeah, no one wants to go through that." We kept looking for more material to buy for some of Isabelle's new designs.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Isabelle and I planned to go shopping. We were shopping for material because she's been using  a lot of it that she had for the upcoming fashion show for JustSoIz. She needed more material for cautious purposes.

They got a few more materials before walking to the counter. Iz dropped all the material on the counter in front of the lady and handed the lady her card.

She turned to me and smiled "So, how's it like to be back at work? How's Max? Oh, thank you." She asked, then turning to the lady who gave her the card and all the bags that had material in it. Isabelle and I both waved goodbye before walking out.

I smiled "It's great! I missed teaching you know? But, I was able to spend time with my son and he's such a good boy. The whole month Max was giggling and smiling. There was only a few times when he would cry out. Those times being when he was either hungry or needed a diaper change."

Isabelle smiled "That's good to hear Magnus! I hope that I'll be able to spend time to with nephew soon!"

"You will! You will!" I giggled. My stomach growled "I'm hungry, what should we eat?"

Iz shurgged "Let's just get a seat at the food court and then we'll decide on what we want."

We walked over to the food court and we sat down, putting the bags on the floor around us. It took us about 5 minutes to decide what we were going to eat. Izzy ended up getting chicken tenders and fries with a milkshake while I got a double bacon cheeseburger with fries and a large Slushie. I was definetly going to have to use the bathroom later. Sorry Bladder...

Anyway, we got our food and were now diving into it.

"Mmmmm" I moan when as my taste buds jump up and down from the flavor of the burger and sweetness from the slushie. "You can never go wrong with a burger and fries with a slushie on the side."

Izzy noddedd "And you can never go wrong with chicken tenders and fries with a milkshake on the side!"

We both laughed, clinking our drinks together as we continued to eat. I sipped my cup and put it down "How is putting your fashion show together going?"

"It's going great. I got most of my designs and all of my models ready. All I need is help with decorating the hall. I also need a theme...What do you think it should be?" She asked, smiling.

I looked around thinking until I saw one word that I went through a lot with "Pride"

"Pride?" She questioned, as if telling me to explain my reason.

"Well, your fashion line does seem to be full of color, especially for this fashion show and pride can mean a bunch of different things. It means confidence in ones self. It represents colors. Um...It represents the LGBTQ+ community. Your theme can just be pride." I concluded.

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