Chapter 16

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4 Weeks Later

It was a beautiful fall morning. Magnus and Alec both loved this kind of weather and cherished the beautiful look and scenery that it gave the neighborhood around them. They were both on the balcony enjoying the magic of fall when a thought came to Alec's  head.

"How does a morning date sound?" Alec asked, hugging Magnus from behind.

Magnus smiled "A morning date sounds lovely...but don't you think it's too early?"

Alec chuckled "Magnus, it's 11:00 am on a Saturday."

"Exactly! Too early" Magnus sassed playfully, before turning in Alec's arms "I'm just kidding! I would love to!"

Alec smiled, grabbing his hand "Well let's be off then. I know this great cafe that serves some of the best pumpkin spice lattes which I know are your favorite"

"Yes! I love-" Magnus stopped talking and held his stomach, making a pain like noise.

Alec turned and walked up to him with concern "What's wrong Magnus? Is it something with the baby? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Magnus slowly lifted his head up, smiling "The Baby must love pumpkin spice Lattes too."

Confusion took over Alec's face "What?"

"Give me your hand" Alec slowly moved his hand towards Magnus, who took it and placed it on his stomach. At first Alec felt nothing and was about to ask Magnus what's going on when he felt sudden movement.

Alec gasped and looked up at Magnus who nodded excitedly "The baby kicked" He whispered.

Alec chuckled joyful "The baby kicked...THE BABY KICKED!"

He then lifted a giggling Magnus into the air and spun him around, chanting "The baby kicked! The baby kicked!"

Alec put Magnus down and leaned his forehead against Magnus's "Looks like we're going to have an active baby on our hands"

Magnus nodded "Yes we are. Now, the baby and I were promised a morning date and pumpkin spice lattes on this beautiful fall day." Magnus skipped, walking to the side of the door, putting on his bomber jacket and scarf.

Alec grinned "I did promise that, didn't I?" He joined by Magnus side, getting his leather jacket and   gloves.

"Yes you did." Magnus smirked, holding out his hand which Alec took as they walked out of the loft and made their out into the fall streets of brooklyn.


They got to the Cafe and got on line, ordering their food. They sat at a table near the window, waiting for their food.

"Has everything been good at school? How's it going with Sebastian?" Magnus asked, curious.

Alec smiled "Well the kids have been good. They really miss you. Especially Madzie and Rafael."

Magnus pouted "Aw, I miss them too."

Alec then sighed, gripping Magnus's hand over the table "As for Sebastian...I don't know. Something weird is going on."

"How so?" Magnus asked.

"Sebastian has been talking and keeping an eye on Rafael a lot for some reason. Like he's almost obessessed with Raf. Mind you, Rafael doesn't even know Sebastian as well." Alec sighed stressfully.

"Wait...How do you know this though Alexander?" Magnus asked once more.

"Because Rafael told me." Alec could see the confusion written all over Magnus's face. "It happened the first week of your break..."

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