Chapter 10

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Now I knew what Margaret meant...

Now I know why I've been throwimg up so much...

"Positive" I whispered stunned as he looked at the two lines on the pregnancy test.

"Magnus?" I shook my head out of thought at Cat's voice.

I jumped off the hospital bed, pacing back and forth "I'm pregnant? How can I be pregnant? How is that even possible? What am I going to do?"

Cat stopped my pacing, holding my shoulders "Magnus! One take a breather Okay? And second of all, let me explain what's going on. Just sit down and I'll explain everything."

I nodded and walked back to the bed, sitting down. I took a deep breath and opened my ears up more as I listened to her explanation.

"So..." Catarina started to explain "It seems that when you got the surgery long ago. They did everything right...except they somehow forgot to take out your ovaries which has happened before to other patience but rarely. So you still have the power to produce and release eggs."

"So I can get pregnant?" I asked.

"Yeah and you did. BUT this is a one time thing because due to the surgery the ovaries don't really work like how they use to. So this is the only time you'll actually be able to get pregnant and have a child. After that you won't" She explained.

I looked down at my stomach and smiled tearfully "I'm gonna have a baby...Wait how is the birth going to happen?"

"Oh, your gonna have a C section. That's the only possible way." Cat looked at the clipboard "Also, you're about 3 weeks pregnant."

I breathed out "Wow...I'm gonna have a baby-Alexander and I are going to-Oh my gosh...What will Alexander think?"

Cat sat up "I don't know Magnus but what I do know is that you have to tell Alec. He would want to know. I don't think you should be that worried anyway though. He'll probably go nuts" She could see my distress "Nuts in a good way" I sighed and she smiled before taking a piece of paper from the clipboard "Here is more information on what you should be doing while going through this pregnancy. What you should eat and drink and other info like that. Also due to your predicament, you might have the baby earlier."

I took the paper and looked at her "How early?"

"The earliest is about 5 months. But for you...most likely 7 or 8 months." She elaborated.

"Okay" I looked at the paper.

Cat got up "We'll seen when you come back for your sonogram and ultrasound. The dates for those appointments will be sent to you." She walked to the door opening it.

I stood up and froze as realization just hit me again "I'm pregnant"

She walked back and pulled me into a hug. She squeezed gently before pulling back "I know that your emotions right now are all mixed up and it's a bit overwhelming but just know that I'm here for you. I maybe be your doctor but I'm also your bestfriend. If anything happens or if you need anything, you know I'll be here. Okay? You're not alone in this." I smiled at her reassaurance and nodded.

We walked to the door and there sat my Alexander with his eyes closed. Cat smiled and cleared her throat. Alec's eyes opened and he immdietaely jumped up, making his way over to me.

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?" Alec asked.

Catarina sighed "I think in this situation it's based on the way you take it. What I would do is buy him this special tea from the store" She handed him a piece of paper "It should help with all the throwing up." She turned to me "Your next appointment will most likely be in 2 to 4 weeks." Then to Alec "You'll probably end up going  so...See you guys then" She smiled at me and sighed before walking away.

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