Chapter 3

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"So Alec...What has summoned you to my humble home?" Asmodeus asked leaning back in his chair.

Izzy had stayed outside while Alec and Asmodeus went inside to talk.

Alec rubbed his hands nervously "I came to ask you something important."

Asmodeus raised his eyebrow "And what would that be?"

"I-I would like" Alec stuttered.

Asmodeus rolled his eyes before chuckling "Would like to what?"

Alec took a deep breath before looking at Asmodeus "I-I would like to ask you...If I can have Magnus's hand in Marriage"

An akward yet plain silence took over and they both sat there. Then to break it, Asmodeus started laughing.

Asmodeus held his chest, chuckling "Alec...You were nervous asking me for my blessing? Even though I already gave it to you long ago?"

"What? What are you talking about?" Alec askes wide eyed.

"Okay, remember that night in the hospital...when I gave you my permission? I was serious. You are the best thing that has ever happened to Magnus. You guys being in each other's life was fate. You guys were meant for each other. So...You have my permission...You always did..." Asmodeus smiled.

Alec looked happy and shock "T-Thank you Mr.Ban-"

"Hey, what did I also say that night?" Asmodeus asked

"To not call you Mr.Bane" Alec responded.

Asmodeus smiled "Exactly. Actually, you can call me father or dad now because you're about to become my son-in-law."

"Yeah" Alec grinned "If he says yes."

Asmodeus leaned forward "Trust me. He'll say yes. Magnus loves you...He doesnt love you as much as he loves me but...He loves you" He teased and they both smiled.

They both then stood up and walked to the door.

Asmodeus smiled "You know coming to ask for permission is very gentleman like. Well done."

Alec smiled "Well I do try my best to be the best gentleman I can be."

Asmodeus chuckled "Well you need to get going. It's like 4:50." He opened the door and looked out "Hello Isabelle."

She waved "Hi Mr.Bane"

Asmodeus smiled and turned back to Alec "So when are you planning to propose?"

Alec smiled "Tomorrow. It'll be our 11th anniversary and I want to make my move then."

"Oh okay and just one thing though" Asmodeus spoke up.

Alec perked up "Yeah?"

"I would advise you to not let Isabelle nor you step into the kitchen" Asmodeus smiled "Because that would be a disaster."

"Hey! I can cook" Alec chuckled "I can cook shrimp and pasta and I make a mean chocolate mousse cake." Alec smiled.

Asmodeus nodded "Well that makes me feel a bit better knowing my son won't die because of the works of Alec and Isabelle Lightwood." They both chuckled and Asmodeus continued on "You're a catch Alec Lightwood...And I'm glad my son caught you." Asmodeus smiled before pulling Alec into a hug.

Alec began to feel a type of warmth that he yearned to feel from Robert...But Robert would not give it to him. With Asmodeus he felt the warmth and love that a father was suppose to give to a son...Alec couldn't be more grateful to have...a father like asmodeus.

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