Ch.21 - 6th grade (Part 1)

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Sixth grade started in the Spring.

It was April, and the cherry blossoms were radiantly blooming.

I was assigned to class 6-B,

and was hoping I’d see people I know.

As I looked around, I saw…

Michiyo-chan, and Ayumu-chan as well!

More to the left were some more people I knew,

Akimoto-kun, Michishige-kun, Nakashima-kun, 

a couple of others I knew since fifth grade, and then… 


Our class seated us according to height.

Both he and I were fairly tall and with a stroke of luck,

I was granted the seat next to him.

That day, he was strangely quiet, I wasn’t sure why.

But it made it seem like what happened during that summer

never happened at all.

He was back to the same Hatori,

the Hatori on that day he found out I liked him.

He looks away, doesn’t say anything,

and acts as if he’s waiting for something.

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