Ch.38 - 6th grade (Part 18)

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The next day, we left Akimoto-kun to tell Michishige and Nakashima-kun.

They took it very well that day,

but Nakashima mentioned how he regretted not visiting Fuuka-chan soon enough.

She must have been lonely, he said.

Ah, didn’t Nakashima like Fuuka-chan?

After Fuuka-chan left,

something changed in all of us.

Maybe it was the thought of not being able to see her again for a long while.

Or maybe it was this void in our group that was waiting to be filled.

Of course, no one can replace her.

It didn’t take long though,

before everyone was their normal selves.

Although Fuuka-chan was gone,

she sent us e-mails every now and then,

so it still feels like she’s still there.

In those days,

Hatori-kun opened up to me more often.

I’m not sure what changed,

but I’m just glad we’re talking again.

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