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Chapter three

The rest of the day people left me alone most likely thinking it was the hormones that caused me to get that way with Turner.

so instead of talking to people who didn't want me around I sat with Carol and helped her make some stew, everyone gathered around the campfire taking a warm bowl.

It was all nice till turner sat next to me.

"So what did you both do before the turn?" I shoved a spoon full in my mouth sharply as turner began to speak, he never let me speak.

"I've done a lot of things. When I was younger I was in the Royal Navy but Lily couldn't handle me not being there for her, so I come home. From then I went between bodyguard jobs, night security and things along them lines where they need a guy like me to step in" he held a cocky grin. He had always chosen to talk about the manly jobs and not the time he worked at a funfair or the year he didn't work at all trying to become an artist. He also always says he ended those jobs because of me when often he was 'let go' or used me as an excuse saying I needed him but the real reason was he always thought I was sleeping with someone.

"That must of been scary" my eyes shot to the blond with a glare. I may not be liking my husband right now but no need to flirt right in front of me. She bit her lip and tilted her head sideways with a small smile "you must have had to go to the gym a lot to keep fit"

"Yeah if I wasn't at work, I was working out" he leaned forward a little ignoring everyone around him "I was shot one time while on the job" he life's his top way to high showing off his abs and pouting to the scar on his side

"You was grazed by a bullet" I pointed out and he glared at me

"I could have died" he dropped his top and Carried on eating

"I could have died when I tripped over yesterday but I didn't" I stuffed food in my mouth hearing someone get up and walk away, hopefully, it was the slut but when I looked she was still looking at my husband with doe eyes.

"What about you Riley?" My eyes shot to another blond

"It's lily" snapped turner "she was a stay at home wife. Cooked and cleaned" he shrugged his shoulders "I made sure she didn't have to go out and have a job, I brought in the money and she done the shopping online if I couldn't help her at the shops. It worked well"

"I would love that life" I couldn't look at her as she spoke "my man going off into the world to earn money while I cooked and cleaned at home waiting for his arrival"

"Well I'm sure you can have that one-day" turner flirted back

"Excuse me" I put down my bowl walking away from the group, I kept myself contained. What I really wanted to do was smash their heads together, that couldn't happen though.

I didn't want to go to the tent and I didn't want to go off on my own. The lights were off in the house so I went to the one other place I could think of.

His camp was off away from everyone. He had rabbits and squirrels hanging dead, a fire in the middle with a tent and log.

"What'd ya want" he was just putting his crossbow to the floor along with some more kill. I looked at him a frowned

"Can I sit here?" He stared at me confused "I just don't want to be up there, the house has gone to bed and I don't want to be alone. I won't be a bother" he grunted and sat down. I took that as a yes and sat next to him.

He grabbed his crossbow and started doing something to it while I sat there watching him, shaking my leg.

"What" he grumbled and I stopped looking at him confused "you're getting on my nerves so just say what's bothering you so you can stop pissing me off" he was very straightforward. Clearly not bothered by people's responses

"Do you ever not know what to do?" I asked and he shrugged not looking at me "Well right now I don't know what the best thing is for my baby- can you keep secrets?" I suddenly asked and he looked up at me "like I'm going to say some things and I need to know you won't do anything"

"Ya English or somethin" he announced out of the blue

"Ugh yeah. I was born in London England, but travelling back and forth from there to here has given me this English America thing- any way that's not the answer I was looking for" he nodded his head with a grumble

"Go on"

"my husband is a very self-centred strong-minded man" I didn't know why I was talking to him, I think it's because he seemed like he might not care and therefore wouldn't do anything.

He wouldn't... would be?

No. He was a self-isolating stranger so clearly didn't care for others.

"-I knew that when I married him. When his mother died she made me promise to look after her hot-head of a son. I, of course, promised the dying women" I stood from my seat and began pacing. I was taking forever to get to my point and I knew that but I was so scared to say it out loud "Turner gets irritated" I felt his eyes on me as I spoke the words "sometimes he feels the need to assert his dominance, it used to be sex. He'd get mad and we would have sex and that made him feel like he had done that" a blush was clear on my cheeks as I rushed out the world to a stranger I prayed he wouldn't care.

He seemed so careless.

"as time went on I started standing up for things I believed in. I didn't want to stay at home and do nothing. I wanted to go out in the world, I was a music teacher and I loved my life. He didn't like that I wasn't listening so he started to scare it into me" everything went tight. I didn't allow myself to think as I let the word tumble from my lips, words I'd never shared with anyone.

"Just small things. Pushing me against walls, pinning me in corners and screaming at me. Soon I got used to it and pushed again. He ended up pushing me down the stairs and I broke my arm" Daryl had stood up but I didn't look at him.

I didn't trust him, I just had to tell someone.

"After that, I listened but then I pushed but not so much. Then he began hitting me, grabbing me and things like that. I listen to him that way. That goes on for a while and I can't bear to part with him because he reminds me every damn day that he loves me and I remind myself that I promise the poor dying women. And then" I threw my hands in the air before putting my hands on my hips "I go get pregnant" I looked down to my bump "I stopped pushing. I just settled because I want my baby to have a daddy. I want my baby to grow up with a mummy and daddy who love each other but the damn truth is" I shook my head finally looked to Daryl seeing how mad he looked "I don't know if I love him or I'm forcing myself to and when this baby comes along I'm so scared he's gonna hurt me so bad for all the times he couldn't like just earlier he said the only reason I was still breathing was because our child and then told me he loved me what the shit it that" I had started pacing again pulling at my hair as tears trailed down my face "I-i don't know if my baby is safe with him around"

"I'll kill him" I spun round to Daryl with wide eyes completely surprised "knew somethin' was up. When ya around him you're all quiet but when I see you around camp you're a different person"

"You can't do anything" I snapped stepping towards him as he glared at me "he doesn't hurt me as bad no more because I'm pregnant, he can't know I told you he would kill me"

"I'll kill him first-"

"Daryl no" I shook my head as he stared me down like I was crazy "I need time to think. If I leave him then I'll be a single mum in the fucking apocalypse, he's been protecting me out there. Just give me time and don't say shit" he looked me up and down as he swayed foot to foot angrily. He stared at my jump before shaking his head

"Stupid bitch" then he walked off leaving me there not knowing what to do.

I hadn't thought about the fact he would care. Rednecks are known for being the careless asshole who drink smoke and don't give two fucks. Shows how hidden I've really been, judging people on shows I've binge-watched at home.

Let's hope he keeps quiet...

Let's hope I keep quiet.

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