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Chapter thirty-seven

A feeling of dread set through me as I covered the tracks behind me. No, I wasn't being a drama queen and running away only to run back to them. I just needed space to breathe but I knew for a fact the second they come back without me Daryl would be out here looking like he would for anyone. Luckily for me, I knew how he tracked after watching and learning for so many years. I threw him off in circles, It would wind him up but it also gave him a sign that I wanted to be alone, I wasn't running away. I wasn't going to be gone long I just need my space.

So I broke sticks and made weird marks on the ground going in different directions. He would go around in circles and meet dead ends. There's a chance he might find me but hopefully, he will take the hint and give me some time.

After a while I found myself feeling pretty numb. I wanted to go home and cuddle Judy. It was dark now though and travelling in the dark was stupid. I just had to find a tree I could climb. If someone else was here they could give me a boost, once again I had forgotten what it was like to be alone. It was much easier to have someone with you.

The sound of walkers caught my attention, far too late though. A small group had come around me. I was so busy thinking about how it sucked to be alone I forgot to pay attention. Reaching down for a knife I dodged out the way of slimly hands. I shoved my knife deep inside the first one kicking it back with my knife still in its head. I had it under control. But my brain was busy, it was that shop all over again. My side still hurt from that, as if on cue it twinged and made me miss my shoot. I was grabbed from three different directions and everything after that kind of blurred. They were three newly dead walkers. I could feel myself kick, stab and spin but I couldn't tell what I was hitting. Finally one dropped. Then the other. Annoyingly It knocked me off balance and I flew to the ground.

"UGH!" the sound left out my mouth quicker than I could stop it. My knife dug into its stomach, ripping the flesh apart, the liquid covered me as I balanced it with one hand. Grabbing my gun I was able to get an angle. There was about an eighty per cent chance this could blow my brains out but it was worth it. "fuck you" I grumbled pressing the trigger. The sound deafened me but soon the ringing began. Shoving the dead weight off myself I struggled to my feet. My side killed, I hadn't wrapped it this morning so was most likely bleeding through, I should have wrapped it knowing I was going out, another stupid move from me.

"pull yourself together" Knowing I needed rest I carried on my look for a tree. Finding a suitable one I clambered up very gracefully and got comfortable. Gonna be a long night.


It was a long night. But weirdly, I felt better. I had climbed down and started making my way back o the others. I knew what I needed now.

Seeing the walls Come into view an odd feeling set in the pit of my stomach. Walking up to the gate Spencer let me in with a shocked expression.

"What-" one look made him shut his mouth and shut the gate. My eyes found Daryl's back. He looked like he just got back, his crossbow in hand and some animals on the ground.

"Riley" Maggie rushed over to me. "You hurt" I carried on walking with a shake of the head "Where did you go? Glenn said you needed space or something but that's all I know. Daryl went looking for you but said you didnt want to be found" she grabbed my shoulder and I knocked it off before turning to her "I thought you where leaving-"

"why don't you ask your husband what happened" I growled and she backed up a step, not in fear but shock. Maggie didnt fear me, I knew that.

"he wouldn't tell me, got all upset"

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