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Chapter Twenty One


Shots everywhere.

I jumped up from my sleep, I was in the cellblock. I must have fallen asleep and been put here, I mean I was thinking of moving back but not like this. I ran out seeing Daryl's space empty, I grabbed the pistol and knife from his bag

"IN B!" I heard and ran downstairs in my socks, I saw the kids panicking.

"Get in the cell!" I shouted, they went to fight "GET IN NOW!" they listened this time "Carl go to Judy and Toby, shut the cell door behind you" he nodded and ran off as I ran out.

I followed the sound into B seeing that it was ours who had turned, I didn't know the people that well so I didn't mind stabbing them in the head. "Come on" I pulled up a teen boy who looked pale as hell and shoved him in a cell shutting the door. Pulling out Daryl's gun I began shooting "DARYL THE BOY!" I watched Daryl turned and grab the boy holding him up, he passed him to the mother, his eyes turned to me but before he could react I was taken down, I pushed hard against the walker struggling to push his mouth away from me. a bolt went through its brain and the body thrown off me by a wide-eyed Glenn, he pulled me up making sure I was okay.

"Everyone good?" Rick called from up the stairs. no one answered but it seemed like we were all okay. I swallowed, my throat feeling a bit scratchy. I went into a cell grabbing a water bottle, drinking it as I turned seeing Daryl looking at me. I smiled a small smile and sent him a nod, him sending a nod back.

The block was awfully silent for a few minutes, we just let it all sink in. everyone looked around grieving for the lost, yet I didn't feel anything. It was sad but it was fewer mouths to feed and I didn't really know any of them... just what happens now.

"what the fuck happened?"I asked, my voice hitting the walls harshly, a couple of people glared at me "what? something happened and we lost a load of people, we gotta find out how before it's us - our kids and people"

"she's right," Rick said running a hand through his hair "these where our people though, maybe not yours but they were ours" The words stung deep with that small comment "we should clear out the block, have Hershel and doc looking at everyone dead and alive - check for anything. B block moves into D block"

"We haven't-"

"they can't stay in here" Maggie snapped "B block, you move into D block tonight, move your stuff and get some rest. we will clean up and get everyone ready to be buried" she'd be a great leader.

I went off checking on the kids letting them out before grabbing some shoes.

It took a long time but eventually, everyone was outside wrapped up in sheets ready to be buried. the block was cleared and we shut it off locking the gate to go in. it was daytime and people were staying inside for most of it but there was a meeting going on.

"its a sickness?" I walked over to the council  room drinking some more water

"yes" Hershel spoke "we should keep the venerable away from everyone else"

"lock the youngsters up?" I asked walking into the room.

"Lily you don't need to be here" I glared at Glenn

"well I'm here so deal with it" sitting down, I saw both Daryl and Maggie smirking a little as Glenn opened and closed his mouth a couple of times

"she's fine Glenn" Hershel said and I smiled at the man

"always loved you old man" I winked

"settle down lily" he smiled and I laughed a little "anyway, yes children should be kept away from everyone else"

"so toby, Judy, carl, beth and any young or elderly from Woodbury?" Hershel nodded "carl is to carry his gun and a couple of knives at all times"

"I don't think there is a need for that" he argued "they will be safe"

"you know what Hershel" I leaned on the table "my kids are going in there and I refuse to let them go in there without protection. whether you let beth in with her gun and knives is your choice but you won't stop me from making sure mine are safe at all costs. got that?" my voice was hard and he knew I was in no way budging on this

"if you must have it that way I will check with rick-"

"Hershel, Carl is having a gun and his knife. rick will agree and you know it" we stared at each other for a moment and he sighed

"fine" I leaned back in my chair "anyone with even a high temperature needs to be away from everyone" we nodded "I vote for A block"

"death row," Daryl said and I looked at him, he didn't seem pleased.

"it's away from everyone locked away" I leaned back further, slouching like a teenager "its the best option, like a hospital. we don't know how this is passed on to each other it could be air born or through touch. No one is to be touching each other"

"kids locked up, sick people in A" I nodded pulling my lips tightly together and shaking my leg up and down "how do we know what people to put there?" I didn't look at anyone I just stared blankly at nothing "someone coughs or get a bit hot and we just shove em in A"

"no ill check them over. we have a checklist of sorts" before I could say anything else the sound of someone coughing caught our attention. Hershel and Maggie hurried out talking to them

"ya good?" I snapped my head to Daryl it felt like he was peering right into my head like he knew my thoughts from a single glance. Dickhead.

"you seem off..." Glenn trailed off looking concerned

"yeah im good" I got up "im gonna get Toby's stuff ready"

I walked through the cell block peeping in on the babies and carl seeing them all sleeping, they sleep a lot. Making my way out of the prison I went up to my tower ignoring how I lost my breath at the top. Going inside I frowned.. my baby.

Grabbing a duffle bag I started to pack things. blankets, clothes, nappies, meds, creams and toys. I even packed the blanket I slept with so he could get comfort from it. Once everything he could need was packed I took a couple of tablets hoping this sore throat would go. I was planning on moving back anyway so this helped towards it I guess, now everyone's sick it might be safer here though.

I found carl and beth holding toby and Judy by a door and frowned. Beth took the bag from my hand

"muum ma" toby reached towards me

"you're going with Beth" I stepped back and he started to get all upset "look after each other" we all bid goodbyes. Toby started crying for me, I took a step forward reaching towards my boy - only for my arm to be grabbed by rick "I just-"

"you can't touch them, we have been around the infected" I sighed and snatched my arm away walking over to the graves with tears in my eyes

"need some help?" I asked Daryl. he was muddy and sweaty with a bandana covering his lower face

"sure" he passed me a red bandana from his pocket and I tied it around my face before grabbing a shovel. I marked out the grave shape then started digging away. It didn't take long for the sweat to build and dirt to stick to my skin. My arms began aching and my legs felt weak, I swear I'm in good shape but this was really taking it out of me.

"I'll take over, go get some water" Glenn took the shovel from me. I felt on edge, my stomach felt tight and my head was hurting. I just needed sleep.

"Hey rick" I called and he looked at me "I don't feel great, think I'm just tired. If you need me I'll be in the tower. Gonna pack things to move back to the cell block"

"Alright make sure you rest up, we might be sending out a group for some meds if you wanna join on. I'll talk to you about it later"

"Yeah sure just holla" heading up the stairs felt harder than usual but the thought of my bed made me move faster.

The room felt empty without Toby but I knew he was safe with the others, they have protection and Carl's a good shot. I got changed into some skinny sweats and fitted long-sleeved top, I didn't have my blanket so wanted to be warm. Getting onto the bed my whole body felt better.

"Just rest and I'll feel better" I mumbled closing my eyes.

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