Stop it.

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Chapter thirty-two

We had woken in the night to the walkers trying to break down the door. It was rough. We all stood together slipping in the mud as we tried to save each other from a gruelling death. We did it, held the doors till there were no more. We were even more tired now. We sat around the barn in silence, Maggie and Sasha were out on watch.

Judy began to moan and I turned to her with a frown. She was hungry again.

"I'm sorry baby" I took her from a tired Carl telling him to rest further. I laid her down before changing her then lifted her back up "wanna read a book?" I asked kissing her cheek her making her smile a little "Okay let's read a book" I grabbed Carl's bag and pulled out a book he had. It was a colour book. I opened it turning Judy so her back was on me "red, apple" I spoke softly and pointed. She poked at the foil covering the apple and let out a soft giggle "purple, grape" we sat like that for a while, me reading the colour and the fruit or object that went with it and she would giggle at the foil. We were having a nice moment until Maggie walked in

"Guys this is Aaron" everyone shut up including me. I pulled my knife in one hand and held Judy. Carl was standing in front of us with a gun and Daryl to the side with his crossbow. Glenn had also gotten closer, Judy would always be our priority. "We searched him already, had a gun, a pack but that's it"

"It's nice to meet you all" he spoke calmly. He had done it before, it was rehearsed. He was very clean and well kept.

"Gun?" Sasha handed Rick the gun and he checked it before tucking it away. "What's he want? Something he needs? Why did you bring him in?"

"Says he has a camp nearby" near us? Right now? "Says he wants us to audition for a membership" I scoffed and Aaron looked at me with a smile

"I do a mean Sia cover, will that get me a membership to the secret club" I saw a few smirks go around and Aaron smiled even more

"It's not like that, makes it sound like a dance troop" he shook his head "that's only on Friday nights"

"Funny one" I said as no one else reacted. Felt a little bad it was an alright joke.

"And it's not a camp" he realised jokes wouldn't get him anywhere "it's a community and I think you all would make valuable additions. Sadly that part is not my choice. My job is to come and get people to come back home with me and I know, I wouldn't follow me either" so rehearsed "not without some evidence anyway" without turning to her he spoke "Sasha, can you hand Rick my pack? Front pocket there's an envelope" Rick grabbed the bag and pulled it out "we found an old camera store-"

"Nobody gives a shit" Rick snapped. I gave a shit, I liked cameras. I'd kill for one now.

"You are absolutely 100% right" I smirked a little and Aaron saw it so I quickly glared. I stopped listening. I tapped Carl on the shoulder and got him to take Judy. I pushed him closer to Daryl and Glenn followed him keeping them safe. I went towards Rick, I glanced at the photos.

"I'm going to scout around" I could feel Daryl glaring at me. I looked to Aaron "Just so I know, anyone gonna shoot me when I walk out those doors?"

"I promise you-"

"That's all I needed" I trusted this guy. I turned to Rick and gave him a little nod of 'he's alright' then left the barn.

I walked away and pulled out my knives.

Walking alone felt weird, I always had someone on my tail. Every time I've walked alone It's never ended well. Shivers covered my body but I kept walking. I found his tracks and followed them for a while.

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