daryl and beth.

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Walking along I felt hollow inside. I was trying to keep myself hopeful but Daryl just pushed me down and down about it. I refused to give in to his senseless ways of thinking. He could stand there assuming they were all dead if he truly believes they are but I know they are not. There is no way in hell they are gone, maybe even toby and Lily made it out somehow. If anyone could lily could.

"you think Lily and Toby made it" I watched as his body tensed and his steps faulted, a thing that rarely happened to Daryl "I can't help but think somehow, she did it. Moved the right way and fled"

"Lily don't run" he grumbled, I was shocked he said anything at all

"maybe she had to, she could have been getting toby safe-"

"Nah she's stupid she would come right to us, she ain't a runner"


"she's dead"

"but what if she's not" I snapped just wanting him to see where I was coming from "the tower looked bad but she could have done it. She could be out there with Toby, kicking ass"


"shes alone" I blurted out and stopped walking "Daryl she ain't been alone before, shes always had someone with her. I know she used to go on runs alone but other then that.. we have to go check"

"shes dead" he stopped walking but didnt turn to me.

"shes alone out there, fending for toby and herself all alone Daryl we have to find her-"

"SHE'S DEAD!" he yelled spinning on me, I saw the tears in his eyes and realised id hit one of the very few soft spots Daryl has "shes dead! along with her boy! both of em went down in that fucking tower and now they are gone, we don't get goodbyes any more!"

"she could be hurt alone and frightened-"

"she's gone beth" his voice had become softer now "gone"

"You liked her didnt you?" he frowned at me "I could see it, everyone could. how protective you were over her and toby-"


"she liked you too" I cut him off "just know that she liked you. Maggie and I spoke about it after she fought with Lily. Lily was so mad, shouting her head off at Maggie about it. Telling her she doesn't deserve love or something because of the way Turner treated her. She was terrified" his face was a mix of emotions as he listened to me "she went off into the woods and I chased after her. Found her crying to herself on the ground, I held her and made sure walkers didnt get her. She was just scared. we never spoke of it again though. I wish we did, maybe I could have gotten through to her, shown her what we see - what we all know you see. Maybe I'll tell her one day"

"come on" he muttered walking off.

I followed behind him just glad he wasn't shouting that she's dead at me, maybe I got through half an inch.

I hope Lily and Toby were okay. I hope everyone was okay. Especially Maggie.. oh mags.

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