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Chapter six

"There should be a book store up ahead" Glenn said a few feet in front of me, the past few weeks I had been collecting up books for pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes I'd pick up some books on raising a baby/toddler and even kid books as well.

"Thank you for coming with me" I said as we arrived at the book shop. Glenn banged on the glass and we waited

"It's no problem I know how scary this must be and if books help" he turned to me "then it's books that you shall get"

"You're a great friend" I nudged him as something hit the glass, an elderly woman who had been dead for a while "she probably decided to hide out with her books" she looked like the typical old women who owned a store. Long floral dress, white cardigan, a beaded necklace clipped to some glasses that hung around her neck and short silver hair, it had clearly been curly but now it was a frizzy mess.

"Poor thing" Glenn opened the door letting her fall out before stabbing her and letting her fall "let's go" I stepped over her and into the musky store. It smelt like books, mould and her dead body.

I followed the signs finding what I needed "we hit the jackpot" I called to Glenn as I put my bag on the floor "we got a bit of everything" I smiled as I stuffed all the books I could in my bag, making sure I got every labour one I didn't have before stuffing the others inside

"I got some kid books and a few toys that were chilling there" Glenn smiled as he watched me struggle to put my bag on my back "I'll take it"

"No, I need you ready to fight" I said as I walked off not letting him have the bag. Walking out we met up with the rest of the group, the weight was lifted from me and I turned in surprise "what-"

"She shouldn't be caring anything" Daryl snapped at Glenn who stood there not knowing what to do


"Whatever" Daryl then stormed off-putting my bag in the back of the car I was in. It was like my little area filled with books and baby things.

"Sorry I should have made you give the bag to me" Glenn sighed running his hand through his hair as I waved him off

"Daryl is just Daryl" I laughed and Glenn looked me up and down

"Who is this happy person?"

"I was reading some books yesterday and it's normal to have highs and lows like this" I looked forward at Lori seeing she was now showing "I'm going to offer Lori some of my books"

"Not your precious books" Glenn said shocked and I laughed before wobbling off to Lori with a cheerful look only to be met with a glare

"What?" She mumbled sipping some water

"I was wondering if you wanted to borrow some of my books?" She carried on to glare at me "I know how your feeling, it's scary. I picked up some books for you, stay there" I rushed to my car swinging the door open and picking up some copies of books I already had before heading back to her "here, these are some copies. I thought it might help you.. it also passes time when nobody lets you do anything. I'm lucky I was allowed to go to that shop today" Lori looked at me guiltily "don't worry mood swings suck balls"

"Thank you" she took the books and smiled sadly "I'm so scared-"

"I know" she put the books down and I brought her into a hug "I'll be here for you, I know how hard it is. The thoughts we get are horrid but we will get through this" I pulled away "I'll see you later okay?"

Walking off I found Carol splitting off the food into lots of little potions. She smiled when she saw me waddling over "want me to hand them out?"

"If you're feeling up to it" I nodded and took some before slowly going around giving everybody some food. Carol gave me loris, Carls and mine. Mine was the biggest then loris and finally Carl. I split my food in half giving it to the little boy.. he needed the strength.

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