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When we got back in the walls Daryl went to his bike and I went to the armour putting my stuff away.

"I found this" I passed it to her and she took it "it's alright just needs a clean maybe a sharpen and it should be pretty good"

"Thank you, knives are always helpful" she pleased it in a tray then turned back to me "How at you doing?"

"I'm alright actually" she nodded her head "still need to work things out with some people but that will happen whoever it happens"

"You seem a bit more relaxed today, I'm glad"

With that, I said my farewell and left the building going back home again. I cleaned myself having a shower and shave. I dried myself then wrapped a robe around myself while I unpacked a box of clothes into my draws.

"Riley!" Daryl. Smiling I went down to the kitchen and found him munching on some food.

"You alright?" He looked me up and down a little "I had a shower and was sorting through some clothes so haven't got dressed yet" shrugging I jumped up onto the side watching him

"I ugh" he scratched the back of his head glancing to the door. I turned to look and saw his bag sitting there with his crossbow, bolts and a knife that has fallen out of his bag.

"Any of it need washing?" I asked and he shrugged "if your living with me I ain't having you stink it out" I went and grabbed his bag "Can I?"

"Ain't nothing special" he shrugged. Opening the bag I pulled out all the clothes into a pile... the bag looked shit as well. I emptied everything placing anything that wasn't washable into a pile on the side. I grabbed the washing shoving it all into the machine turning it on.

"Gonna make my shower as well?" I gave him a simple pointed look and he frowned at me

"Like I said I don't want you drinking this place out" I put on the kettle pulling out two mugs "coffee?"

"Yeah" He grumbled.

Daryl wanting to move in didn't make me giddy like I thought it would. I just felt... at peace. Knowing he wants to live with me, sleep near me and breath near me every day by choice made me feel so relaxed and happy. I finished the coffee and he pulled out a pack of fags, he lit one pulling in the smoke then passing it to me. Smiling I took it at he had one himself. It was the little acts that really got me and he knew that.

"Mum!" Carl walked through the door and I opened the back door letting any smoke go out "I can handle smoke"

"Hey I'll kill my lungs but not yours" he comes over kissing my cheek and I smiled at him "what's that for" he just shrugged and started searching my cupboards

"Everyone eats all the good stuff over there" he pulled out a cup of chocolate pudding and began eating it

"I don't really like that shit that's why it's never eaten"

"Do you like pudding Daryl?"

"Nah" I laughed not surprised at all

"Daryl only likes wild things"

"That's why he likes you" I was taken back at first but then couldn't help but laugh again "ugh Judy keeps asking for you" Judy... I hadn't seen her in far too long. I felt I wasn't needed there anymore.

"She's got so many people-"

"But she needs you" I inhaled the smoke and nodded knowing it was true "I like your necklace"

"Thank you" I touched it softly with my finger types "I like it too" I walked over scruffing his hair "you need a hair cut boy"

"So does Daryl" knocking away my hand he moved away from me

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