who has a party in the apocalypse?

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Chapter Thirty-Five

I took a slow walk around the town, unlike carl I had my knife clearly on show as I didn't care if they feared me. I kinda hoped they would to a point, less likely to try anything.

"ah, Riley!" Spencer come jogging towards me and when he took that one step two close my hand rested on the top of my knife, he bowed his head a little and stepped back "sorry"

"what do you want?" he clasped his hands together, a smile clear as day on his face.

"Just wondering if you'd like a personal tour guide?" I scoffed and went to walk away but he quickly stepped in front of me, I raised an eyebrow "try not to piss the women with a knife off"

"I just thought Id show you about, introduce you to some people. Show you where the armoury is in case you go on  run with us and need something" he saw my eyes light up "there's always someone there so no stupid ideas"

"my ides are never stupid" sometimes they are a little odd but not stupid, Daryl would highly disagree, he thought most my ideas where stupid as they got me into dangerous situations but when is there ever really a non dangerous situation now, walkers could take us down any second.

"Ill show you where you can get supplies like food and household items" It would help to know these things, make it easier if this place goes down or if we get kicked I can come back and take what we need.

"fine, you win Spencer" I crossed my arms over my middle and let out a sigh "let's go then tour guide" he laughed before clapping and turning on his heel walking beside me. I felt people looking at me but I paid no attention.

"Okay so over there" he pointed to a house with a sign on the door "that's the makeshift doctors, we have a doctor here im sure you'll meet him. his name is  Pete, he has a wife and two kids they live up the road" okay so medical equipment is in there. He pointed to houses and said what people lived in each house, he told me what houses were still free. They wanted to expand at some point. I didn't really care and he knew that. "this is the armoury" it didnt look like one, just another house really, it was good. "we keep track of everything that goes in and out of that building, you take something out, your name is written down with what you took down to how many bullets just so we know"

"it's good to keep a tight ship on this stuff"

"We haven't had a problem with it yet" his smile annoyed me just like his mothers "do I have to keep my eye on you?" he side smirked looking down at me while we walked I laughed shaking my head a bit

"let's just carry on with this stupid tour"

"this way" he touched my arm and I glared at him stepping away "sorry, truly" I didn't say anything as we carried on walking and he spoke, I scoffed at him a few times that was about it.

"and this" we stepped past a house, a garage door wide open "this is where you get your food and household shit"

"spencer" A dumpy women smiled "I'm Olivia"

"This is Riley, shes with the new group" I didn't bother to smile "I'm giving her a tour" he turned to me "you ever need anything come ask Olivia and she will be happy to help you, as will I"

"well, thanks for the tour-"

"We are having a party" he quickly cut in "nothing big just some snacks, music and chatting"

"a party?" I questioned wondering if I missed heard. Surely not.

"ugh- yeah to celebrate your group being here, a party for you" he laughed a little awkwardly "there will be alcohol, vodka whiskey wine"

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