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I woke up to Daryl getting out of bed and getting dressed. I watched him like a weirdo until Judy let out a cry.

"Someone's up bright and early" I yawned grabbing an oversized jumper and shoving it over my head to keep me a bit warmer as the house was cold "hey misses" she reached her arms up with a whimper and I lifted her. After a cuddle and kiss, I laid her down and changed her nappy keeping her in her PJs for a bit

Going downstairs I placed her on the floor with a couple of toys keeping an eye on her while I turned on the coffee machine setting it for two mugs and to keep warm then if Daryl didn't want his I could have it later.

"What do you want to breakfast?" She didn't tell me so I pulled out some portage from the cupboard and poured some in a bowl. Adding oat milk I mixed and put it in the microwave.

I run my hand over my face letting out a deep breath. What did I just do? It's meant to be the apocalypse and I'm in a house waiting for my coffee and Judy's portage to be ready. I'm chilling in a big cosy jumper, not a bit of muck or blood to be seen let alone a knife or gun.

"Morning" Daryl grumbled while going through his bag.

"Morning" the microwave dinged so I took it out mixing it up letting it cool on the side "coffee?"

"Nah I'm gonna talk to rick bout some shit" I noticed he was leaving his crossbow, it was weird seeing him happy to leave without it.

"I'll try to find you before I leave for the big run" pouring my coffee I heard to shuffling about for a moment. Sugar. Oat milk. Perfect. Turning I smiled at Daryl who was a lot closer but clearly overthinking to himself "you good?"

"Ya" he went to turn but I grabbed his hand and turned him a little before softly kissing him

"See ya later"

"Later" he smiled walking away

"Well, Judy your breakfast is ready!" I cheered and she clapped her hands at me as I pulled out her high chair before placing her in "here" I gave her a little spoon and just let her get real messy with it as I sipped away on my coffee. Looking at the time it was only half seven so I let her take her to play with it for a bit longer before making sure she Scully ate some of it.

After messy food time, I gave her a quick bath, I normally liked giving baths in the evening but she got so much in her hair she had to have one.

I let myself fall into the mum role I would have played if the world wasn't where it was. I let myself feel at peace as she splashed water and bubbles everywhere. We laughed and played for longer than we should have but it made me feel good. I felt happy. If I could stay in this house with Daryl, Carl and Judy life would be great but that's not how it is.

So I got her out of the bath dried her and put her in leggings, a grey jumper with flowers and little pink socks before brushing her hair then waking up Carl.

Judy played on the floor while I got myself dressed in black jeans and a baggy strap top that I tucked in loosely so I could get to my knife. Carl had breakfast then come took Judy from me so o could carry on getting ready. I pulled on a zip-up hoodie leaving it undone then went downstairs pulling on my boots.

"You leaving your hair like that?" Carl half smirked at my slept in bun.

"No smart ass" I let my hair down roughing my fingers through it "hadn't got around to that part"

"You're beautiful" he blurted out "just thought you should know"

"Well that's very sweet thank you" he shrugged his shoulders as he bit into an Apple "I'm gonna head to the armoury then over to your dads to see if Daryl is there before I head out on the run"

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